He answered to every touch and thrill of the bow."
-Oscar Wilde
"The Portrait of Dorian Gray"
There is a novel by C.D. Payne called "Youth In Revolt". I loved that book. It made me laugh out loud as I was reading about the adventures of Nick Twisp. I was so looking forward to the movie that was just released this month. It was pretty true to the book but so many elements of the story were omitted. A filmmaker simply cannot include everything unless it's a mini-series.

Twenty-five years ago today:
January 23, 1985
Today was a real 'bitch' of a day. To start off I was stuck in the middle of nowhere because the BART trains were all screwed up. There was a morning meeting and I practically missed the whole session. In a dumbfounded way I said, "I must have just missed y'all." I added, "I got here at 8:32 or so."
Stephanie blew me a way later because she asked, "How late were you really?"
I explained that I was at the Natoma Cafe with Paloma and I got in at about 8:35A. Why I fibbed is beyond me. Anyhow, she pissed me off for asking about the specifics of my arrival time.
Stephanie tried to get on my good side by giving me a gold "Customer Advocate" button and patting me on the back while asking a personal question about my friend from France. I didn't even want to face the slimy bitch today. I was in no mood. Now I have this tardy as a blemish on my record...so, I'm planning on taking a week off SICK! It's just a matter of choosing the week. I'll do it, too.
The whole day was crummy. I only sold three touch tone lines.
The only neat part of my day was getting a personal phone call from Los Angeles. Jim Koran had ulterior motives.
"Mike, could you do me a favor?"
"I'm trying to locate an old friend's address and all I have is the phone number."
I did the detective work and left the detailed information on his answering recorder.
Even so, Jim made me feel good for calling. I feel like we are close chums. He is special. I feel I know him better than Bob in many respects (I think).
At lunchtime I went for some spaghetti and meatballs alone at CITY EATS at the Crocker Plaza.
The Service Committee Meeting at 3PM was fun. Ryan Hargrave and Dale Orlando 'crack me up'. Some of the lines they pull and speak are truly funny. They're a fun group.
I went to donate once again at the Sperm Bank after work (again no check). Carol was there. She's such a sweet gal but she is "taken" (I think).
I went to my mom's house and Helen was there. We talked about who won what for the Super Bowl pool at the old Downtown office. She also showed me some photographs of her new niece, Nicole.
"Oh...you know what? I joined a gym, Helen!"
"Good for you!"
And so, I left to go workout.

I saw a couple of the same faces at the gym (only guys that actually work there). Jim, the sales guy, was there and he gave me a tip while I was on the Life Cycle. I showered and used my new NEXUS shampoo. I stopped at Jack-in-the-Box. I am so hungry after my workout. I caught the end of DYNASTY.
I telephoned Bob but had to leave a message on his recorder. G'Night!
This was merely the end of the beginning, just as coming out is only a beginning.
-Christopher Bram
"Mapping The Territory"
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