-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"

LOVE OBJECT (USA, 2003), Screened: May 7, 2003,
Tribeca Film Festival
Director: Robert Parigi
Insecure technical writer Kenneth (Desmond Harrington) learns so much about women from his silicone sex doll, Nikki, which he ordered over the internet, that he gets noticed by flesh-and-blood co-worker Lisa (Melissa Sagemiller). It's the start of a beautiful thing, but first he must throw off the guilt with which Nikki is invading his subconscious. Parigi's bizarre love triangle examines the relationship and love with inspired creepiness.
My Comments: ONE STAR
What a let down!
"A relationship is a two way street" was one line I heard in the film. I truly believe in this sentence but it told me a lot about the writer/director. He has had some difficulty in relationships of his own. The concept of a man buying a life-sized rubber doll to "play with" seemed funny. I guess I expected a bit more humor and romance. It turned into a 'sicko' movie with S&M inuendo and violent torture. It really rubbed me the wrong way. I even had a flash of Scott Peterson killing his pregnant wife, Laci. Scary. Gross. I would NEVER recommend this movie to any one. The writer/director clearly stole from the classic 1965 film "The Collector" starring Terence Stamp. The actor in 'LOVE OBJECT' even resembled Terence Stamp.
Twenty-five years ago today:
January 5, 1985

I washed my car (finally).
Paloma and I have our date still scheduled (surprisingly).
I am debating on another trip to Baxter's tonight to search for my 'I've Got a Crush On You' maiden, Karen (the Cybil Shepherd lookalike).
I hung out at home this morning, waiting for Paloma to call me. At 10AM I decided to break down and call her just before I went out to wash my car. I didn't want to chance missing her call while I was outside.
Paloma finally arrived at around one o'clock while I was changing into another shirt and sweater because I didn't feel right in what I had originally been wearing. I reminded myself of Meryl Streep (in the film 'Falling In Love') and how she kept changing her clothes for the right outfit for when she was to meet Robert DeNiro. Haha. It was a fun, good movie.
When Paloma arrived we hugged and kissed. It was a gentle kiss. She oogled over my DYNASTY 1985 Calendar, my cups, my black lamp and my bicycle pictorial wall which she claims to have never noticed before (?).
Paloma and I left in my car and cruised around Harbor Bay Isle to SAFEWAY. We saw Ron (the windsurfer) who happened to look at us and nodded 'Hello' to me as Paloma and I walked together towards the store entrance. Then, some strange fellow spontaneously said to us, "Now there's a couple that look really good on the beach."
We both laughed aloud.
I said, "Thank You" to this stranger who happened to be sitting alone under the CINZANO umbrella.
Paloma and I ate hot Canadian Bacon sandwiches, chips, and apple juice at the 'La Val's Pizza' place. Yummy. Paloma took off her blouse that was covering her arms to show me her muscles. I love her body and her green eyes. She's exquisite in terms of a top-notch sensual body. Our conversation was off-beat, spontaneous and carefree.
I asked seriously and non-chalantly. "Hey, why don't we take-off to the Oakland Airport and get married in Las Vegas?"
She was semi-tempted (I think). And at the time I really wanted to do it.
Paloma is so creative and makes me come alive. She makes me feel ever-so-good. We've never had sex yet, but I know she'd feel hot and it'd be nice with a lot of practice. Good sex takes time.
Thereafter, we went to LONGS Drugstore and caused a few more random stares from strangers as we walked together. I loved it. I dropped some film there to get developed. By now it was 2:20PM and "The Cotton Club", starring Richard Gere would begin at 2:30PM. We made the show in plenty of time. We had a cozy time in the theater. Her 'cat eyes' kill me!

"The Cotton Club" was a rateable "B". We enjoyed it. I would probably have preferred seeing "Dune". In fact, I may see that one sometime next week. I like futuristic sci-fi flicks. I think that is why I am falling for Paloma. She is really futuristic, artistic and full of energy. I was dwelling on the "Falling In Love" movie that I had seen and wondered if Paloma and I were at that 'mutual position' of falling in love (?). I feel so high with regard to her. I care for her more and more and more when I am with her. It's like I want her near me more and more all of the time.

After "The Cotton Club" movie we proceeded to Loard's Ice-Cream parlor at the South Shore Shopping Center for ice-cream. We then returned to my place where we fiddled with TAROT cards with uncanny results. Our relationship in the future depicted the ACE OF WANDS* (element of Fire). I chose cards that described her to the fullest while she chose some related to me; whereby, I could most easily relate.
Paloma left not long after we kissed (frenchly 'in-fact'). She was off to meet with some body-builder at the Fitness Center. She was to follow him during a weight training routine. Geez? How should that make me feel? Somehow...I don't really feel jealous because I know she's serious about her body-building.

"Where your treasure is...there will be your heart also" as heard in a preview per St. Matthew via THE THORN BIRDS upcoming TV-movie on Sunday Night, January 5, 1985.

When Paloma left I left also. I went to mom's house and hung out there. Mom was sick, coughing, etc. I decided to leave at 8PM for Baxter's in Concord.
I saw Karen, the fantasy waitress. I learned that she has a boyfriend.
"We're practically married," Karen said, "I have no complaints."
And yet, she referred to me as a "sweetheart" with smiles and eyes on me continuously throughout the night.
"I'll see you next week," Karen said as the night got darker.
I thought silently, "It's beyond me."
I also met a gal named Karen Santi-Reynolds. It's funny that she is named Karen, too. I chose to nickname her 'Ms. Pearl Drops'. She was sweet despite three things I learned after some chit-chat: 1)her cigarettes, 2) the fact that she was wearing her ex-husband's Christmas present and 3) her 3-year old daughter.
I remember when she said, "I hate jealous men!"
I thought that with some men there may be good reason to be jealous. She rates high as one to be jealous of 'in my book'.
"We are divorcing because my husband liked to fool around too much," she said.
I also met Meta, a slightly overweight blond that resembled Michelle Von Thaden (a girl I dated in Sacramento when I was in college).
Meta announced, "I work for World Airlines."
A brief thought of Paloma's yearning to be a flight-attendant crossed by mind. Meta proceeded to share how she can take round-trip flights to Hawaii for only thirty-two dollars! I was ever so interested.
What got me though was when she asked, "Are you gay?"
I think she asked because I mentioned that I worked in San Francisco and I spoke of those two friends that I met from London, England.
She explained, "No, it's something about your tone of speech that made me think you might be gay."
I replied, "No". Then I said, "Well, maybe Yes."
And so, who knows what she may think now. I was especially caught off-guard when she caught me looking at Karen, the Cybil Shepherd waitress lookalike.
She said, "Quit drooling."
Another good looking blond told me, "You look wasted". This one seemed to shun me away from that comment but she kept eyeing and smiling my way when I was dancing with Meta.
Meta wrote her telephone number on the back of a business card that belonged to 'ERIC STEVENS of Siemer & Hand Travel, Two Embarcadero Center, Suite 1655, SF, CA 94111'. She wrote "META, 538-9940, 577-2176/78 WORK".

*THE ACE OF WANDSThe Ace of Wands is a symbol of possibility in the area of creativity, excitement, adventure, courage and personal power. In readings, it shows that a seed of bold enthusiasm has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be a creative idea, surge of optimism or need to act boldly. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.
When you see this Ace of Wands, examine your life to see how its potent, confident energy could work for you. Be daring and brave. Sometimes you have to risk to get what you want. Look for the path that will excite you and push you beyond your limits. Seize the initiative, and let your enthusiasm take you to new heights. Wands are the suit of individual power and fulfillment. This Ace of Wands tells you that a time of passion is beginning. You will be able to assert your best for all to see.
The Ace of Wands is also the card of creativity. Under its influence, you can become a conduit for inspiration and invention. Forget tired, worn-out solutions. You have the chance to be original. Trust your own creative potential, and there will be no end to what you can achieve.
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