-as heard while watching
the 2009 film "Invictus"
TOGETHER (He Ni Zai Qi), China, 2003
Screened on: May 10, 2003, Tribeca Film Festival
Director: Chen Kaige
The director of FAREWELL MY CONCUBINE offers a heartwarming drama about a father and a young violin prodigy who move from rural outskirts to the heart of Beijing to study with a master violin teacher. They move in next to a prostitute who gives the boy life lessons as he masters his musical art. Chen touchingly depicts the lengths to which a parent will go to realize in his child the potential he never saw in himself.
My Comments: 5 STARS
En route to the film I regretfully (but accidentally) elbowed Alan's espresso. Ooops.
The lines I liked in this film included:
"Here (Beijing) it's easier to find a bride than housing."
"I have my music to warm my heart."
"I'm unhappy...I can't play."
"You never admit your mistakes."
This film goes beyond the normal scale of excellence. It's a beautiful story, a reminder that one's father is a guiding post to one's future. The actor who played the father was so funny, adorable and full of excitement. He was fantastic. The second Professor was the actual Director of the film, Chen Kaige. After the movie we saw him for the Q&A (Question & Answer) period along with his wife (who happened to play the actress Lily in the film). This is a 'must see'. I'll recommend it to every one. Violin music is full of emotion.
Twenty-five years ago today:
January 13, 1985

It was 11AM when I found myself waking up and getting ready for Sunday morning cycling. I recalled that Suzy had called me last night just before I was leaving to go out with Paloma. I had suggested to Suzy that we might see a flick tonight. The only problem is that I'm broke.
Just as I was walking out in my bike gear the telephone rang.
"Mike. It's mom. Could you bring me some clothes hangars?"
She was obviously ironing my shirts. I grabbed a bunch of hangars and rode on the bike with them.
While she was ironing I decided to keep her company. I also made myself three scrambled eggs and warmed up the leftover potatoes. It was perfect with the fresh orange juice. A half hour had passed and at approximately 12:30PM I was cycling in the fresh January Harbor Bay air. I did most of my riding along Shoreline and decided to call it quits by 2PM.
I telephoned my mom from my pad. She drove over and straightened my pad. Then we both washed her car. When she left I attempted to take a nap while watching some movie that was starring Jay North (the Dennis the Menace actor). The telephone rang and it was Joanna Weems. She's that customer of mine who is involved with HERBALIFE. She invited me to some HERBALIFE schpeel that was happening this coming Saturday in San Francisco. I sometimes wish she'd 'get off my back'. I am in the market for a good multi-vitamin though. (?)
Since I was awake from the HERBALIFE call I decided to give mom another call. Coincidentally, she was thinking of calling me at the same time to invite me out for dinner. We thought about some of the local Central Alameda restaurants but settled on calling in orders at NATION's Burgers to-go and eating them at my place.

When mom was leaving for the evening my telephone rang.
"Hi Mike, it's Sue. Do you want to go to a movie?"
I shunned the idea because I was feeling broke. So now I am at home watching "60 Minutes". Jim Koran crossed my mind and I wondered about him, us. The same thoughts passed with regard to Bob Umland and Maria de Lourdes. I began to realize I had not heard from Maria in a good while. Should I write her a letter? I really want to go to Mexico in April. Or do I really want to go there at all?

And then there's Mr. Cordellos. To think we met about a year ago today. I wonder if I'll hear from him any time in the near future now that he is released from the US Coast Guard. He still is my friend--I hope.
After that little argument with Dad last night and realizing my 'not so bright' financial picture I believe I will call the Want Ad Supermarket about placing a rental-to-share advertisement for a roommate who is willing to help by paying me an extra $400 per month.
He looked like someone newly in love, the way that only twenty-four-year-olds can look.
-Steig Larsson
"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo"
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