-Christopher Bram
"Mapping The Territory"
I was fortunate enough to be seated front row center at a private jam party in Seal Beach last Sunday night (January 24, 2009). It was a flash back to the 1970s and the following performed:
David Pack
Pablo Cruise
David Benoit
REO Speedwagon
Kenny Loggins
They all sounded the same as they did in the 1970's but they all looked older. It happens.
It amazed me when I had these sudden flashbacks to my teens when I heard songs like 'Ventura Highway', 'A Horse With No Name' by America or 'You're the Only Woman' and 'Biggest Part of Me' by David Pack, 'A Place In The Sun' and 'Love Will Find a Way' by Pablo Cruise, 'Keep On Loving You' by REO Speedwagon and 'Footloose' and 'Your Mama Don't Dance' by Kenny Loggins.
I think my favorite moment was hearing this classic one by America, I Need You:

Twenty-five years ago today:
January 27, 1985
When I woke up this morning I turned over to another position in hopes for more sleep. I simply feel that I am not getting enough sleep. It certainly feels that way on Mondays through Fridays when my alarm clock rings at six o’clock in the morning.
This morning the phone rang just as I was getting out of the shower. I was about to get ready to go to mom’s for Sunday breakfast.
“Hello, this is Marty Louie.”
I was feeling rather puzzled. “Oh yeah, and how can I help you?”
“I was inquiring about your ad for a rental to share?”
My heart started pounding with excitement. Marty volunteered to come over today. I agreed and quickly straightened up a bit (after calling mom with the big news).
Marty arrived and he was a slightly chunky oriental dude who had just graduated from UCLA.
“I was working in Riverside at Empire Savings and Loan and I’ll be starting a new job in Oakland at the Equitech Corporation.”
“That sounds great.”
After the tour of the townhouse I felt I should have the upper hand and said, “I will call you on Monday or Tuesday and let you know for sure since I have a couple of other people interested. It will be four-hundred dollars per month, no utilities and a four-hundred dollar deposit.”
When he left I closed the door and I all I could think of was “MoooLa!”

I quickly went to visit mom for a bite and then returned to my pad to lounge. It was a nice day but I just wanted to sleep and be lazy. Maybe it is the working out strain on my muscles. My calves are sore. I can thank Paloma for the new calf exercises she taught me.
Mom stopped by to visit just as I was dozing off. She gave me a jump-start and I began washing clothes. I helped her to rearrange and redecorate my pad to a certain extent. It was fun. I remember helping her move the furniture around for a changed look in the old days. Dad came over, too. He fixed my furnace and garbage disposal.
“How did you fix the disposal?” I asked dad curiously.
“I don’t know. I just took it apart and put it back together again,” Dad replied.
I started laughing as he smiled.
When ma and pa left I tried to nap once more when Bruce called me. We rapped about my new prospective roommate (the oriental fella), Paloma and our ‘almost’ marriage, Bruce’s new dog, my new gym membership and a few nonsense jokes.
Paloma telephoned. “You know, I called you last night at your house and at your mom’s and I couldn’t figure out where you were.”
“Oh…I was at Sherri’s. I had to babysit,” I laughed.
Apparently, Paloma was calling me now from her Fitness Center.
It was dinnertime and I arrived for homemade hamburgers at mom’s house. They were good burgers, so I ate two and a half with some orange juice. I was feeling full—to say the least. Sherri stopped by and I departed with her to unload groceries and stuff at her place. While I was at Sherri’s place my mom called to relay a message: “Michael…Paloma just called and wants you to call her back.”
“Okay, Thanks.”

I returned Paloma’s call and we made plans to see the movies “Tuff Turf” and “Johnny Dangerously” tonight.
Both films were just ‘okay’. We went to The Parkway Cinema (a very dark, not-so-nice neighborhood). We were cuddly and her palms started to get sweaty.
“I’m in a downer mood,” Paloma announced.
“I don’t know but after working out I felt so much better.”
“It’s true. Working out revitalizes you…don’t you think?”
“Yeah. You know…I like your cologne.”
“It’s Aqua Velva.”
“I like your turquoise jumpsuit.”

We often find so much we like about one another--even little things. As we departed the theater we were both a bit fearful of the crime-feeling vibes of the area. We laughed about it but we made it home, ending on a luscious kiss goodnight.
Paloma departs for Los Angeles on Friday and will return on Monday. I hit the sack by 1AM. Yawn.
"Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one."
-Oscar Wilde
"The Portrait of Dorian Gray"
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