-Stefan Zweig
"The Post-Office Girl"
There was a magical happening a week ago today (January 13, 2010) because of the 'secret agent' handy work of the "007 GentleMan Blog". Some of you may recall reading these blogs dated:
12-25-2008: My Passion for Photography
6-28-2009: What A Girl Needs
10-6-2009: Disappearances
10-7-2009: Vital Therapy
and 1-7-2010: Down & Out
where I mention my dear Jr. high/high school friend, Bonni Jayne.
To recap a bit...Bonni moved to New York in her early twenties, met an Italian fellow named Richard Ludovicy, fell in love, got pregnant, had a baby girl and was then manipulated against the Italian fellows' parents. The baby girl was raised by the grandparents.
On my FaceBook in December 2008 after recently reconnecting with Bonni I had asked all of my friends and family to give their hopes and prayers as she was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. If you--or anyone--can provide information, organizations that can help during this difficult time it would be greatly appreciated. Simply add a comment here or post it to the "007 GentleMan Blog" Group on FaceBook:
I stopped in to see Bonni on December 22, 2009 during a road trip from Los Angeles to Napa Valley.
PHOTO: Bonni Jayne, Michael J Armijo
December 22, 2009
On January 13, 2009 there was a unique (yet emotional lift) in Bonnie's strength and spirit.
At approximately 2:35PM I received a phone call from Crystal Joy Ludovicy. We only spoke for fifteen minutes but it was pure excitement of the rarest kind. (I can only relate it to five years ago in January 2004 when my own daughter, Arianna, called me at the age of eighteen). Crystal is now married and has a two year old son, Brandon. Crystal is known as Kristin now, so it would have been next to impossible to locate her.
Kristin said, "I've been trying to locate my mother for years. The Ludovicy's really pulled a fast one."
"Oh my God, you have no idea how great it is that you called. Did you just happen to see your mom's picture on my blog?"
"Yes, I'm looking at that now. I was searching online today and saw my name. My grandparents' changed my name from Crystal to Kristin. I always imagined dressing as a girl-scout and knocking on my mothers' door to sell cookies to surprise her."
"That's amazing because your mom was a girl scout for years! You know...I've known Bonni since sixth-grade and she used to always be in her girl scout uniform."
"Your mother always wanted to be a part of your life. I just spoke to her a few days ago."
"I'm getting the chills right now."
"Well...I should tell you that you're calling at a good time because your mother needs you now. I don't know how else to say this but...she has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer."
"Oh no!"
"I know...but you will give her strength. Please, please call Bonni. I only reconnected with her myself about six months ago and she will be so happy to hear from you."
We talked a bit more and I wrote her telephone number for future reference. She lives in Oregon, only twenty minutes from where my niece, Lauren Armijo, is attending Pharmacy School.
At 2:50PM I could not hold back and I called Bonni, leaving only a voice mail message, "Hi Bonni...just checking to see how you're doing. Give me a call when you get a chance."

A minute later I decided to call Rita Barber-Goodman (Bonni's mother) in Kansas. As I was dialing I couldn't help hearing Judy Garland say, "You're not in Kansas anymore." I simply could not hold back as I had to share the news. Rita needed to know about her 'first' granddaughter and great grandson. Needless to say, Rita was thrilled to the "max".
At 5PM Bonni called me and she had just spoken to her daughter after all of these long years.
"I was so emotional. I was crying. She said she felt so emotional, too. It was hard for both of us."
"I can imagine...GEEZ!"
"She wants to see me. And...she called me mom!"
That was the HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY! To hear Bonni say, "she called me mom" gave me chills of joy and surrender that I could almost cry right now.
The Next Day...
January 14, 2010
Bonni and I had a brief ten-minute conversation. I telephoned her to see how she was doing, to see if she slept okay after all of the commotion. I also encouraged her to eat her meals and build her strength as her chemo treatments will begin soon. She told me that her daughter is visiting her on January 31, 2010 (if all goes according to plan). Bonni's Aunt and mother will be there, too.
"That is so exciting! I can't wait to see the group picture!"
Twenty-five years ago today:


At 9AM I telephoned to wake mom per her instructions. She wanted an early start on her day. Then I proceeded to call on Paloma but there was no answer after five rings. I hung up.
Then my phone began to ring and to my surprise it was Dr. Howard Edelstein. Ironically, Dad had just asked me last night exactly what is his field of practice. I mentioned this to Howard as well.
"Well, I am working at the Haight-Ashbury clinic in San Francisco right now."
"That's funny because I work in San Francisco now, too. I handle business accounts for the telephone company."
"Oh? Well, I'm on vacation and I wanted to promise you that I will make a point of visiting you soon."
His real reason for calling was to see what I could learn about a guy who happened to hit his car. The hit and run guy owes him $1500. I took the telephone number and address he had taken.
"I'll see what I can do and get back to you."
I guess he really believes I am a 'secret agent' that can accomplish the impossible.
After Howard's surprise call the phone rang again and it was Paloma. We had another one of our neat chats. We talked more about body building and I was amazed at how knowledgeable she was on the subject.
"I have a new membership at a gym now and I plan to be a regular."
"That's great."
She is being a sweetheart of inspiration for me. I didn't tell her--but I feel "hornier" after working out. Yikes.
Paloma went on to explain terms like "ripped" and "dense" meaning an excellent, lean build.
"I get a lot of comments now about my having a fantastic physique."
"Well, maybe one day I will hear the same," I said with a laugh. "Al, the trainer I had, did say if I continue my repetitions on a regular basis I will see results in eight weeks. I feel in a little pain now...whether it shows is beyond me. I won't work out today but I plan on going every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday."
I showered and went to the store with mom. I felt a little run down and sick but I accompanied her anyway. I just hung out at mom and dad's house all day, watching the Super Bowl. I would have won $225 if the 49ers made another touchdown and the Dolphins made another field goal. Instead, Earl (in my office section) won the 2nd, 3rd and Final quarters for the grand prize total cash winnings of $675.00!
I thought to myself, "Oh well, you win some and lose some...and I've lost a lot on these pools anyway."
I 'porked-out' at mom's during the Super Bowl game but my body feels tone, so I think it's all right.
Mom was sweet to drive me home at 8:30PM as I didn't feel like walking. I arrived home to a phone call from Doug Siu.
"Hi Doug. I'm in search of a roommate. Do you think you might be interested?"
"Uh...no, but I have a friend who knows an attorney that is looking for a place. I'll tell them and I may consider it, too."
Howard Edelstein had mentioned he knew a couple of people in search of housing, too. He promised to let them know as well. Maybe I will get lucky.
I am a bit sore still in the biceps and triceps department. I'm going to shower now and 'hit the hay'.

Oh yes, I mailed Bob Umland a card that depicted a bunch of animals on Noah's Ark to imply the 'animal-like' customers he deals with at Wilkes-Bashford. I hope the card will please him. He is developing more into the 'faithful friend' compartments of my brain.
"My story is long and complicated."
-Steig Larsson
"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo"
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