-as heard while watching
the 2004 film
"Eternal Sunshine
of the Spotless Mind"
I heard Anthony Hopkins recite the following words while watching the 1986 film, "84 Charing Cross Road":
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
By William Butler Yeats
Had I the heavens embroidered cloths
En wrought with golden and silver light.
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under you feet;
But I, being poor, have only my dreams.
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Later, I found these words on the Internet by a girl named Tina about the profound words above. She wrote:
I simply love this verse...I cannot think of any other lines that better
express my deepest thoughts about the question one so often searches for the
answers to: 'what is love?'
I first came across these lines in a book called "The Charmed Circle", when
I was all of 14 years old... To my young and (as yet) unimpressioned mind,
it spoke of a love so deep, so earnest and so 'giving' that it stayed with
me through the years in the quiet recesses of my mind, echoing gentle
reminders in soft undertones... "Tread softly because you tread on my
The years may have flown by since then and my impressions of love washed in
the many colours of experience... but the spirit of this verse remains.
Twenty-five years ago today:
October 5, 1984
I went to work and in the morning. It was ‘Rock Around the Clock’ happiness around the office. Eileen came up with this idea to write-up a TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) General Information File. She wrote up a description of me which went something like:
‘Michael is longing to go to the Hard Rock Café with someone (line-up).’
It was a silly sort of 1950’s game, but I got a few invitations from Elizabeth Center, Bobbie Renbarger, Karyn Kossoff and some questionable ones from Patty Reid and Sue Leith.
Work was a breeze today. We had more RCF (Remote Call Forwarding) Sales Training spearheaded by Sue Leith that lasted until 12:30PM.
I participated in the Pot Luck lunch festivities, and then I went to Emporium, Macy’s, Security Pacific Bank and the General Nutrition Center with David Vigil. David is very well-built but he is too effeminate and gay for me to handle.
I did my typical cycling routine after the workday. I saw Birda at about 7PM or so. I had not seen her in a while.
“Oh, I’ve been working my buns off,” Birda explained.
I didn’t say it aloud but I thought her buns could literally look more ‘worked off’.

I telephoned Paloma from work to see how she was doing.
“You won’t believe it!”
“What? Tell me,” I gasped.
“I learned who my obscene caller is!”
Ironically, it was someone that she knew. She didn’t feel like going out tonight. I did not want to go out either. We agreed that we’d consider some sort of outing for this coming Saturday.
Mom telephoned to say, “Mike Miller called.”
“Okay Thanks, I'll give him a call.”
I decided to call Mike Miller and invite him over. While waiting for him to arrive I was looking through the latest Undergear, International Male and Spiegel catalogs for myself and for potential Christmas gift giving.
I received a letter from Maria in Mexico after all. She is anxious for me to come to visit her country. I have the last week of this month free. I am debating on Mexico, Hawaii, Los Angeles or simply sticking around here with peppered visits to the Stanford Shopping Center in Palo Alto or perhaps apply for part-time work at Wilkes-Bashford, Macy’s or Neiman-Markus in San Francisco.

When Mike Miller came by and he got my subconscious mind flourishing and fluttering. Bobbie tends to do that to me when she mentions her own business and the VIP Retirement Program.
“I’m considering dropping work and going to Arkansas for school for a couple of years,” Mike Miller said.
“What? Are you serious?” I asked as I realized his lengthy vacation to Belgium must have got a lot of things going through his mind.
Vacations away tend to do that to one’s mind. Vacations make us reevaluate the things going on in our lives. His thoughts got me serious about taking one class at Stanford University and/or working part-time at some ‘posh’ men’s clothing store.
“Boo Hoo” as Mike Miller left at around 10PM. He had to go to work at United Parcel Service at 10:30PM tonight. Ouch. Yawn.
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