-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
The Birth of a Candy Bar
One PAYDAY, MR. GOODBAR wanted a BIT-O-HONEY so he took MISS HERSHEY behind the POWERHOUSE on the corner of CLARK and FIFTH AVENUE.
He began to feel her MOUNDS (that was sure an ALMOND JOY) which made his TOOTSIE ROLL let out a SNICKER, as his BUTTERFINGER wet into her KITKAT and caused it to MILKY WAY.
She screamed, “OH, HENRY” as she squeezed his PETER PAUL and ZAGNUTS.
“You’re better than the THREE MUSKETEERS, she sighed.
Soon she was a BIT CHUNKY and nine months later she had a BABY RUTH.

Twenty-five years ago today:
October 11, 1984
Yesterday, Betsy told me she was ordering a $100 Savings Bond for perfect attendance. Hurrah! I should win that one.
Barbara and I ate at the Chinese Restaurant called City Eats in the Galleria in SF. We had not been there in some time. We had a great laughter festival, talking about work and memories. Barbara has sent me some great cards in my day. I love that she writes me.

I got E time. Here in San Francisco they call AX (Absent Without Pay) time “E Time”. Lee Chandler was acting Assistant Manager and he gave me the time off at 3pm. That was cool.
I drove straight to mom’s house but must have just missed her as she was working the swing shift at the post-office. Dad was there.
“I’m going to call John because he needs a babysitter between the time he leaves for work and Sherri gets back from work,” Dad said.
I ended up doing the babysitting honors, but I took advantage of the space of time by bike riding until 4:30PM.
John got ready in his new black slacks and bow tie. He was looking all slick for his bar tending duties.
After my short babysitting duties were over I went for a short bike spin and then called Karyn Kossoff at 6PM. I drove over to her place and we watched some of the Vice-Presidential debate between George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro.

We followed that by going to a kids’ Toy/Halloween store on College Ave. I had fun putting masks on. We enjoyed an 8-inch (funny, yes) pizza. I had a black and tan sundae. We saw a Woody Wood Pecker and Chilly Willy T-Shirts. I got so excited about that.
Karyn just kept going with her Pebbles Flintstone giggles. We called it a night and I went on my merry way back home.
Karyn and I made tentative plans to get together to write a screenplay. I wonder what she thinks is up my sleeve? I mean, I’ve made no real initiation to get down her pants. Today she read a note on my desk of ‘Things to Do’ which included:
Send Suzy a Birthday Card (October 12)
Find my TAROT cards
Call Paloma
Oh well, if she saw any of my lists I have to realize that she doesn’t own me. It should not matter what she may be thinking. However, I did call her tonight and arrange to see her. She knows that I like spending time with her. I read all of the FRIENDSHIP verses in this new Journal book to Karyn. It got both of us ‘thinking’.
The friendship verse on the first page:
Friends do not live in harmony merely, as some say, but in melody.
-Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
American writer.
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