Those like food, without which you cannot live;
Those like medicine, which you need occasionally;
And Those like an illness, which you never want.
-Solomon Ibn Gabirol (1021-1058)
Hebrew poet,
An aphorist is someone who formulates aphorisms or who repeats aphorisms.
An aphorism is a short, concise and significant instructive saying.
Twenty-five years ago today:
October 12, 1984
Another day at the SDC (Sales Development Center) and things, words, story lines are all beginning to develop.
I sat at Earl’s desk today. Earl is in my section. Earl was not in the office, so I took calls from his desk. Barbara Reynolds and Kent Wood had floating holidays today. Joe is still on vacation. Dolores and Bobbie both got E-time without pay. I was the only one left in the transition section. I sat next to a guy named Hal and near Margaret Lai. Margaret seems to know a lot. I took more orders today than ever before. I had one Disconnect, one New Connect, one T & F and RCF, one Change Order and one Record Order.
Hot Dogs were prepared for lunch for the entire office today. It’s all part of the morale and camaraderie game. The hot dogs were good though! That’s one nice freebie treat.
PHOTO: Left to Right-Carl, Hank, Michael
Elizabeth Center (pink), ?, Joe, ?, Earl, ?
Karyn Kossoff took E-Time as well. I was to meet them all at Barnaby’s for drinks later. It turned out to be one very interesting evening. I got the feeling that a lot of people showed up there because I was introduced in the Office General Information File as loving to go there. Maybe not…who knows? Regardless, Colleen, the Supervisor, was there. She had a Perrier and an Irish Coffee. She’s nice, but…
Michelle Falls was there. She had an acne problem on her cheeks because you can see the after effects. She was born in England and she is nice, too. Her eyes are very spooky.
Lee Chandler made a late arrival and he and Colleen left together (they’re the two managers, so it was understandable). I did not really get to talk to them much.
Elizabeth Center (who is in my group) and I arrived together. She let me join her in her new Impulse automobile. I happened to notice that Michelle Falls had a nice black Ferraro car, too. Whoa! I danced with Michelle, Denise (AT&T gal and good friends with Ryan and Ron), Karyn and Elizabeth.
Fernando was there but he left early. Ron was asking me questions about Fernando, wanting to know more about his identity and role at the office. Linda left early because she had to drive to Fresno. She is leaving the office on Wednesday for good. Her husband is a coach and has a new job in Fresno. She is ready to scream about having to leave.
I spoke to Hank quite a bit. We spoke of earthquakes and each others’ feelings when one is close to death. I used my almost drowning incident before my 21st Birthday as an example.
PHOTO: While in a raft, the day I almost drowned
Sandy Renk, Michael J Armijo
May 25, 1980, American River, Sacramento

I am sure now that Hank is attracted to me because he grabbed my crotch area when we all crammed into the elevator. That kind of ‘blew me away’. I think Ron and Ryan have some sort of attraction for me, too. I often hear those little snide whispering remarks. I can’t help but feel it’s about me at times because I get ‘the look’. There was one instance when Ron was mentioning voyeurs (people who enjoy watching others have sex).
“I’d like to be a voyeur,” I said.
“You should watch Ryan and me,” Ron said.
Ryan followed-up by saying, “We both once put an ad in the paper about two blond guys, inviting voyeurs to observe. Some fellas would answer the ad and jack off as they got into it.”
I was amazed to say the least. I thought my ‘I’d like to be a voyeur’ line would shock them but they shocked me right back! They were all drunk and on ‘who knows what’. Ryan gently placed his shoe near Tom’s rear end. Tom turned around in surprise.
“He enjoyed it,” I whispered in Ryan’s ear.
Ryan liked that comment coming from me. I could tell.
The mishap of the evening was when I saw Karyn on Tom’s lap. Then on another lap and another lap. Ron was on Elizabeth’s lap and vice versa. I was “invited” to get on Patty Reid’s lap. After a while, I wanted “OFF”. Then Patty wanted a kiss ‘Bye-Bye’, so I gave her a peck. She grabbed my neck and bit my lip! Ugh! It was not good. I then heard Karyn say, “I’m going to vomit!”
I observed Ron trying to control Karyn behind a nearby wall.
“Karyn is head over heels over you from the way she reacted,” Ron said.
I felt gross about kissing Patty (Fat Lard Lady) but I was in a drunkard stupor predicament. This is exactly how I explained it to Karyn (because it was true).
“I’ll never let you forget it,” Karyn said in an elevated non-Pebbles voice.
I thought, “That’s all I need…a reminder of that!”
PHOTO: Karyn Kossoff, 1984
By 9PM the group had diminished to Tom Kidwell, Ron Shelly, Elizabeth Center, Karyn Kossoff, Michelle Falls, Ryan Hargrave, Hank and I. We decided to all meet at Ryan’s apartment.
Karyn, Elizabeth, Michelle, Tom and I arrived before Ryan and Ron did. Karyn and I didn’t want to chance it like the last time, so we left via taxi and then via BART.
I was in bed alone by midnight or so.
I forgot another significant conversation of the day between myself and Patrick Woolridge. It was his last day in the SDC. He’ll be an ASR (Account Sales Representative) which is a managerial position but with not all that much more money. He wants to start his own communications consulting business with some other chap named Travis.
“I have a lot of recurring clients now,” Patrick explained.
Patrick turned out to be quite informative. He earned a 'simpatico' nod in my book.
“I would be out and into Directory Yellow Page Sales by January if I were you,” Patrick advised.
“I don’t know about that but that would be great!”
“Rene’s lover recently made Assistant Manager in Directory,” Patrick added.
I remembered meeting Rene’s lover at Irene’s party.
“I’d make a few phone calls to see what he could do because he knows a lot of people in Directory Sales and other departments. And try and get in close with Ethel because she is knowledgeable with a lot of people. She’ll help you as long as you help her. She’s getting older and is a bit worried about her place in the company.”
Patrick went on to explain that he has reassured Ethel that she’s the “Mother” of the office. Now I want to get in good with Ethel. I think I will get along with most everyone as long as I don’t judge tightly against any one.
I do want Directory Sales so bad. I now hope that Patrick might be able to pull strings for me.
“With your looks, smile and dress you can get into any choice department.”
Patrick was probably a bit sloshed when he made that comment. In either case, if he can make a move for me by January 1985, then Hurrah!
I received a surprise phone call from Helen Wong.
“I have a tentative Big Sale order for some Electronics firm to pass on to you,” Helen said. She also added that her condo is on hold temporarily.
“Do you think I can stay with you for a few days?”
I am all for Helen staying over. I can just imagine the possible meals she’d make. She is fun. She may be moving in here (temporarily) on Sunday, October 14.
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