-as heard while watching
the 2008 film
"Nim's Island"
In the New Scientist magazine there was an article written back in February 2009 about a chemical drink that breathes life into damaged hearts. I thought this was a good one to know about for those who are ‘weak at heart’.
The beginning of the article states:
After drinking a chemical dissolved in water, mice with damaged hearts turn from couch potatoes into treadmill tearaways, researchers say. The finding raises hopes that the same substance can invigorate patients weakened from heart attacks by increasing the supply of oxygen to damaged cardiac muscle.
Designed to make hemoglobin release more of its oxygen than normal, the drug, myo-inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP) boosted exercise levels in the ailing mice by 35% when given dissolved in water. When given by injection into the abdomen, exercise levels rose a massive 60%.
"ITPP doesn't deliver oxygen itself, but makes hemoglobin able to release a larger amount of oxygen to tissues," explains Jean-Marie Lehn of the University of Strasbourg in France.
Normally, he says, hemoglobin releases only 25% of its oxygen cargo during one circuit of the body. But when ITPP binds to hemoglobin, it releases 35% more than usual, boosting supplies of oxygen to tissues without people having to inhale any extra air.
To read further, simply CLICK on this link:
Twenty-five years ago today:
October 9, 1984
Work was slow. I did sell an RCF to an Orinda customer while Sue Leith was observing my call handling. That was a score!
I shared lunch with Bobbie Renbarger at Macy’s where I actually filled out an application for part-time employment. I am still considering the class at Stanford University. I will research the classes available at the end of this month when I have that free time.

Cycling lasted until 7PM tonight. It’s funny how I see a lot of the same athletes running when I go on my cycling adventure on a daily basis. They wave, smile, or just plain flaunt and choose not to look.
When I was home again the phone rang and it was ‘guess who’?
“I had to call you about this dream I had,” Chris Cordellos said.
“Oh yeah…tell me,” I said urgently.
“Well, my sister Paula was murdered and I was all worried because…well, you know how my sister isn’t really all together from when you saw her,” Chris explained.
“How terrible, yeah, go on.”
“Well the old lady Paula was living with called my mom to tell her that Paula was getting drugs from a black guy named Nigel and he was pimping for her. Then Paula called my mom to say she was living in a hotel and that the old lady she was living with turned out to be a lesbian!”
I was seriously beginning to feel that Chris was very confused after hearing this so-called ‘dream story’. Then he proceeded to say that his mom is confused and concerned about Paula.
“I wanted to ask your thoughts and opinions of Paula. Didn’t it seem like she was hiding something and just plain didn’t open up enough to us?” Chris asked.
“I was surprised about her behavior but I’ve never met her before,” I said.

“Well, I’ve been thinking of you more than I’d like to be. Grant is pissed because he says I am not into all of his wants. Grant got teed off when he saw that picture of you and that green Ferrari on my mirror,” Chris expressed excitedly.
I could only believe that he is asking for drama in his life. It beats me. Chris is still my friend now and I think he always will be. We didn’t say much after that.
I was hoping to receive a card or letter from Jim Koran today. There is always tomorrow.
I telephoned Bobbie and we gabbed about Macy’s. I gave the address to the Macy’s Personnel Department. I can tell she does not like the Business Office. Is it too difficult for her, or what? I needed to vent and gave Bobbie the short version of Chris calling and the ‘brief Paula dream story’.
“My source of pot is going to come through and we need to get together to smoke it through a pipe one evening,” Bobbie said.
That statement kind of blew me away. I acted like the pipe idea was a good idea and then gave her some selling pointers on Remote Call Forwarding. I find them easy to sell.
I telephoned Karyn Kossoff and she gave me some pointers on selling specific jacks and equipment.
“I got a letter from Joann in New York,” Karyn said.
We discussed going to the Hard Rock Café on October 19th, possibly Barnaby’s this Friday. This Friday is celebration time because Steve Bell and Lauri are leaving the office, transferring to other departments. I doubt if I will go due to having no real friends in that crowd (besides Karyn).
I hope my Bay Area Sperm Bank paycheck will be worthwhile. I need more appreciative pocket change.

Paloma returned my call.
“Monica is back from Paris. She is in Los Gatos with her sister,” Paloma said. I remembered Monica was the blond that was with her when we met last Halloween 1983.
“Why don’t we go out this Saturday night?” I asked.
“I have plans,” she said.
When I asked her what kind of plans she could not remember them at first! She was having a ‘boring’ birthday party for Mrs. Walsh’s niece. Mrs. Walsh is the lady she works for (in the Berkeley Hills) as an au pair.
“It’s too boring to invite you,” Paloma said.
How does she know I wouldn’t like it? I remained silent.
“Monica invited me to a party on Friday or Saturday but I’m not sure that I will go. I’ve been feeling, uhh…too tired. Call me tomorrow,” Paloma said.
She sounded too sincere to pass on.
“Okay, I’ll call you.”
Karyn is sincere, too. (Chris)…Paloma…Maria… (Jim)…who and when will one win my heart and body over?
I need to discuss my screenplay time with Karyn again. I would like to take time and seriously format an outline ‘the ideal screenplay’. God knows I have enough material in the back of my mind.
I just ate a Cup O’ Noodles for dinner. It was great, warmed me up. I forgot I had those emergency starvation items in my cupboard. I must start buying groceries and stop buying lunch so often. It will ensure the saving of some much needed bucks. That is definitely my current aim: saving cash!
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