-Julia Child
"My Life in France"
History is in the making as President Barak Obama was recognized last Friday, October 9, 2009 as the NOBEL Peace Prize winner.
It was a stunning decision designed to build momentum behind his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation.

Many are up in arms about the fact that he won the Nobel Peace Prize, wondering what exactly he has done thus far to really deserve it. I keep thinking back to his speech in Cairo, Egypt in June 2009 and recollecting his words of wisdom for worldwide peace. It puts America in a vital and promising position. The USA does 'very much need' a smart nod of affection. And so, I am nodding.
Twenty-five years ago today:
October 15, 1984
Last night, my brother Tony stopped by only because Helen was here. I rarely see my brother Tony. We don’t speak much. He’s a nice guy when I don’t have to be around him for lengthy periods of time.
In the morning I did not do my exercises because Helen ‘cramped my style’. I did get a cheese omelet from her though. What a sweetie!
Patty Reid avoided looking at me today, knowing how aggressive she was that last Friday night. Elizabeth Center was very wary about the photo of me on her lap. She was also concerned about any other possible photos of me, Ron or Hank putting our hands up her dress. I still recall something Hank said to me last Friday night while Elizabeth sat nearby with ears twitching and mouth gabbing.
“I don’t want to be in the same predicament as Karyn,” Elizabeth had said.
At that point Hank whispered to me, “They know what happened. Karyn spent the night and you slept together, that’s all, “slept” together. No one’s HAD you in the office, yet!”
I am leery of Hank. This is for sure. I don’t know what to make of these guys flaunting themselves at me (Hal, Hank, Dave, Rick, Fernando, Lee, Travis, Al, Tim, Tom, Rene, Bill, Ryan, Ron and the list goes on and on). Shit…to working in the City…San Francisco!
This afternoon I went to a hole-in-the-wall called The Devonshire Café with Barbara and Bobbie. We had a good time. Bobbie chose to sign herself off to VIP from Pacific Bell. I think she may be offered the early retirement package.
I did not sell one thing today. Karyn gave me ‘goo-goo’ eyes as she passed by my desk. Hank exchanged a few words that are too insignificant to write about. I wonder what Ron and Hank talked about when they were together last Friday night?
I went to Safeway and bought about twenty-dollars worth of grocery items. Helen was cooking chicken, rice and other vegetable dishes when I arrived home. It was odd, unusual, yet delightful, to smell food upon entering my home for a change. She’s a sweetie. Tony, of course, came over and they went to Safeway together while I sorted clothes and did floor exercises that I did not do this morning.
I received a letter from Michael Thoennes in Oregon. I wrote back to him. He’s nice enough to think of me, so I am going to write him.
PHOTO: Michael Thoennes,
his Milpitas High Schol senior photo
Class of 1979

I laughed at the thought of Chris Cordellos telling me that he had sent me a card. I still haven’t got it.
I also wrote to Maria de Lourdes in Mexico, the aspiring dentist to let her know that I would not be coming to Mexico in October (this month). I did mention that March or April 1985 are likely months that I may be able to come down to visit. I guess it is true. You meet some of the ‘best people’ later in life. It was Jorge Contreras (age 27) of San Salvador in the old Pacific Telephone Computer Room back in 1978 who told me those very words when I was a mere nineteen years old. When I think of the ‘best people’ I have met later in life I am thinking of Maria and Jim Koran at the moment. I think Jim is still learning a lot about himself. I intend to enlighten him some more.
I am going to begin reading “The Prize” by Irving Wallace. It is about the Nobel Peace Prize. I do believe I will find it interesting.
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