They chatter without stopping.-Franz Kafka
'The Village Schoolmaster'
Twenty-five years ago today:
October 31, 1984
I left the house at approximately 7:30AM and arrived in Los Angeles at about 1:15PM. Once I arrived I was a bit dumbfounded--not knowing where to go--knowing Jim Koran would not be at his home until 6:30PM or so. I took the forecasted map plan, taking the exit on Highway 5 that I had originally planned.
I got off at Los Feliz and drove by Griffith Park until I found Beverly Boulevard. I chose to park in this area; whereby, I walked into some hole-in-the-wall pizza joint across the street from the CBS Television City Studios. I enjoyed my pizza and just about lost my appetite when I saw a "big" giant cockroach make its way across the floor.
I bought a roll of film and walked along, viewing the city sights. I bought some postcards and casually moseyed along through the CBS Studio side entrance. I saw no one of real interest, only about five or six squids (navy types) who came from 'God knows where'.
I returned to my car and wrote about seven postcards including one to 'John & Sherri', 'Mom & Dad' and Barbara Reynolds. Finally, I decided to mail the postcards and drove up Santa Monica Boulevard to the International Male men's clothier store neighborhood. By this time it was 4:30PM and I still have a couple of hours to kill.
PHOTO: Billy Idol

I was craving a vanilla milkshake. And so, I filled my craving and had a vanilla milkshake along with a cup of coffee at Billy's (?). I don't really know the name of the joint but it was amusing to sit there. I observed a nice, good-looking chap who looked a lot like Billy Idol. It was funny because customers were calling "Billy" (which was the waiters' name). A few people gave me a 'double-take', smiling here and there.
One guy had the guts to say, "Well, you are kind of cute."
It was somewhat flattering. I returned a simple, shy smile.
I took a walk a block or so and entered The Rage (the boys' club where I had met Jim Koran originally). It was pretty crowded for 6:30PM on a Wednesday (but it was Halloween after all). I persuaded the bar tender into pouring some extra liquor into my "madras" cocktail. He was nice...'but the evening was just beginning'.

There were a few strangers near the bar who started to get a little too familiar. The alcohol was kicking in as one guy grabbed my "derriere". There were so many costumes of guys dressed in drag. I was almost getting a headache looking at every costume, taking double-takes every which way. I just plain could not take it all in at once! It was amazing. I wondered if this is what the San Francisco Exotic Erotic Ball is like (probably worse).
Before I even telephoned Jim Koran I had already met about three fairly interesting people. I met Robert St. Cyr of Canada, a guy named "Larry Davies" who gave me his business card. He is an older gentleman who claimed to be an 'environmental designer'. Oh, and another guy wrote his telephone number on a napkin, inviting me to give him a call. All were friendly but I could easily read a 'major wish' upon each of their minds. I tended to be a bit leery and 'on-guard'.
I telephoned Jim, "I'm near The Rage right now. I just had a drink there."
"Great. I'll be at the Revolver at eight-thirty. Why don't you just meet me there."

I returned to The Rage bar and spoke with the guy named "Larry Davies" for quite a bit longer. He is originally from 'who knows where' and now lives in the Key West area of Florida.
"I'm only in LA for a couple of months. I have promotional people who help me raise funds here for my designs."
"Oh, that's interesting. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration," I said, thinking it would offer me some credibility.
Amazingly enough, he 'sort of' immediately offered me a job.
"I like to keep my people on the go, so it's never boring for them."
"That's great," I said, wondering if this guy was for real.
"I am personal friends with Julio Iglesias and Eartha Kitt."
This was kind of impressionable on a suburban Northern California boy like me.
"Really? I don't know any 'one' celebrity personality." I replied sincerely.

Before long I found myself walking together with Larry towards 'The Revolver' bar that was only a block away. We passed the SAFEWAY parking lot when some blond dude began to talk to us about the great acid trip he was on. I think he was a hustler because he was much too talkative to Larry, the older gentleman. I got the impression that "older gents" were this blond guys' specialty. Welcome to LA!
Larry disappeared later while I was at 'The Revolver'. I observed Jim Koran walk into the establishment and I thought he had seen me, sitting on a corner near the entrance. Instead, Jim walked all the way to the back room. I was watching the new episode of DYNASTY on the television monitor at that moment. A few guys were casually nudging me and smiling as it started to get more crowded. I smiled back at one or two, then walked to the back room to converse with Jim.
Jim was in a corner of the back room with friends. There was Greg, "a pointdexter type" (as my friend, Jeffrey Burr, would phrase it later). There was Violetta, "a dyke-like type". Introductions were made as we laughed, watching the DYNASTY scenes on the screen. Jim and I exchanged a few words and it was quite casual. I hung out with Jim all night. We kept 'oooing and ahhing' at all of the creative costumes. After boredom at 'The Revolver' set in we transferred to 'The Back Lot' and 'Studio One' (two other dance/nightclubs in the area).

It was near the end of the evening and Jim kept trying to find his friend Mark. He wanted Mark to give him a ride home. It was clear that he had already left the Halloween scene and probably found a 'Dracula' to go home with.
"Would you mind giving me a lift home?" Jim asked uncomfortably.
"Sure. It's no problem," I said, feeling rather awkward that he had not invited me 'formally' to stay the night over his house.
We had the munchies, so we stopped for BLT Avocado sandwiches at some joint and ate them at his small apartment. We talked and everything was going fine. It was 3AM and we ended up not having a good night sleep. We tossed, turned, caressed and kissed in his bed at this late Halloween-after hour for a good while---but that was all we did.