"I intend to have my revenge"
-Grayson Hall,
Best Supporting Actress nominee
for the 1964 film,
'The Night of the Iguana'
"Force is followed by loss of strength,
This is not the way of TAO.
That which goes against TAO,
Comes to an early end."
-Lao Tzu
Taoism refers to a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions and concepts. These traditions have influenced East Asia for over two thousand years and some have spread to the west. The word Tao means "path" or "way". Taoist propriety and ethics emphasize the Three Jewels of the Tao:
and humility.
Taoist thought generally focuses on nature, men-cosmos correspondence, health, longevity, wu wei (effortless action), liberty, immortality and spontaneity.
Twenty-five years ago today:
Saturday, March 3, 1984
Chris had an idea this morning.
"Hey, let's go to Sonoma!" Chris announced.
It was a Saturday, so why not? I drove in my car, following Chris in his car en route for Concord. When we reached Concord Chris drove to Sonoma (his old stomping grounds).
We had a great time. We ate fresh sour dough bread, sipped on wine and nibbled on cheese in the old Sonoma town square. We meandered into a few shops where I browsed at books, prints, cards, etc. I also found some neat looking bicycle memorabilia that I liked. We cruised around the Sonoma area for most of the day. I even had the pleasure of meeting Chris' brother, Nick, and his girlfriend, Julie. We went to visit some winery where we hung out and had a beer by their attached lagoon. We even popped in on Chris' sisters' house.
Later we enjoyed a root-beer float and ate dinner at Chris' parents friends' Italian Restaurant. It was a great getaway adventure. We drove back to Concord together and then I drove home to Alameda. Chris got ready and planned to drive out to my place by 8:30pm.
Just before Chris arrived I received a telephone call from Nadine DeShera of San Leandro. She is a customer I know from work. We arranged a tentative date fro lunch tomorrow. I am supposed to call her to confirm between Noon and one o'clock tomorrow. Who knows?
Chris and I decided to hit the "I-BEAM" for dance and fun on this Saturday night. Before we left we went upstairs to my bedroom and ventured into a 'vivacious activity'. Then we were bound for 'The City'.
I met Monica Vestfold of Santa Rosa, CA while at the "I-BEAM". Monica and I danced a few but we never got to the 'kissy-kissy' stage. We ended with a hug; however, I did give her my telephone number.
"I'll call you," Monica said.
We shall see.
"If she doesn't call, something is definitely wrong with her," Chris said.
While Chris and I were 'into' one another. I loved that we could go out and find girls to 'swoop on'. He liked flirting, too. I laughed at Chris' philosophy.
"You can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em," Chris said on his philosophy of women.
On this night, Chris confided in me about a psychiatrist that he saw when he was only seventeen years old.
"Yeah, my dad would beat me just because I saw him with another woman while he was married to my mother," Chris shared as he looked downward with sad eyes.
"I locked myself in my room and just stayed there for about three days," Chris said.
"What about going to the bathroom?" I asked foolishly.
"I just went to the bathroom in my room and cried," he continued, "I even contemplated killing my dad while he was asleep."
It was all rather shocking for me to hear these facts.
"I've never told anyone about the incident but I'm glad I finally told you," said Chris with the feeling that I could relate.
I definitely could relate to his sorrow. I am happy he shared this with me. I think he told me because of my sharing with him about my own mishaps in late 1980. The important thing is that it is all over. He has to be thankful that he wasn't "put away" over something that wasn't his fault (even if his parents thought he was having a nervous breakdown).
After our dance excursion at the "I-BEAM" we went to check out the Echo Beach nightclub South of Market Street. It was here that I met Maureen Donovan of San Francisco. She is twenty-six. It is too early to say but we may 'go out' when she returns from her vacation in Colorado. She was nice. I met her by approaching her with a 'single rose'. I gave her my business card. Tonight was such a popular night for me (Nadine, Monica and Maureen). Wow!
By 4am we arrived at my pad. My brother, John, wasn't home. I assumed he wouldn't be coming home. I was wrong. I heard him come into the house as Chris and I were sharing some intimate moments. John had no idea that Chris spent the night until I told him the next day. Actually, if we returned at 4am I guess one could say he 'spent the morning'. Funny. Chris left for Concord early that morning. It was officially March 4th, his 21st Birthday.
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