"The majority of society are judgemental and cannot let go with regard to sexual behavior. It is a difficult and intense subject for most to discuss."
-Dr. Steven Zlutnick,
USF Graduate Studies Professor
Human Sexuality
As found from my 'saved notes' dated January 26, 1989
The following is on page 4 of the 'Te Matare Ramirez'
Restaurante menu in Buenos Aires, Argentina
All human shapes have vanished except you and me. Everything that could have distracted or impoverished us at the time of supreme egoism, which is the time of love, has disappeared.
Here, as it happens with the monster of the God, nothing restrains or inhibits us. This room is the reign of pure instinct and of the imagination that serves it, in the same way that your winding tongue and your sweet saliva have served me and have been served by by. We were a man and a woman and now we are ejaculation, orgasm and only one fixed idea. We have become sacred and obsessive. Our knowledge of each other is total. You are me and you, and I am me and you: as perfect and simple as a swallow or the law of gravity.
Vicious perversity-to put it in words which we do not believe and we both despise-is represented by our own eyes, the contemplation we so eagerly practice-as you are doing now, the essential nakedness that each one demands of the other in the feast of love and this fusion that can only be accurately expressed by discomposing the syntax: I to me you give myself, you to me masturbate, you me we suck ourselves.
Twenty-five years ago today:
March 29, 1984
I had an in-depth discussion with General Manager, Nancy Guzman, today about the Walnut Creek trial that begins on April 23rd. We explored how the new 'business office' may change the way we do business along with the entire Oakland Residence Account Service Center.
I enjoyed a burrito lunch at 'The Happy Burrito'. I ate alone at the park.
My complete physical was done right after work. I am in A-1 health as far as they could tell. I hated the rectum exam (when that lady doc put her finger up my ass). She probably loved it. I think I detected a slight smile when she saw my "bod". Yeah, it's that good.
I signed my contract and didn't realize that I'd be receiving a whopping $25 for ever 2 cc's of sperm that I donated.
"You'll start receiving a check on or around May 7th, 1984," announced the administrative clerk.
After my appointment I stopped over to visit my Dad. We ate homemade tamales. It's rare for my mother to make them and she makes them in such an authentic Southwestern style. While I had my casual dinner with Dad I perused my mail (primarily my Preferred VISA statement). My balance was $2,218 only because I charged my $2000 Great Western IRA Contribution on the VISA. I did it out of convenience. It's not a big deal. There were some nonsense brochures, too. The tamale was far more enjoyable.
I returned home and learned that Chris Cordellos had been trying to reach me. I telephoned him to confirm my arrival time of 8:40PM tomorrow night. My visit ought to be fun.
Michael Thoennes also called and wanted to talk before I left on my long weekend escape. He's a nice guy despite his ugly smoking habit. I look forward to the BART, Bus and fly transportation excursion tomorrow. It should prove an exciting adventure. All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go...
Have you ever heard Cass Elliot and John Denver sing "Leaving On A Jet Plane"?
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