"How come you turned out sane
when the rest of your family is nutty?"
-Ira Levin
in his book
"Rosemary's Baby"
It's interesting how we learn about things. Yesterday, I was at the Los Angeles Airport, minding my own business. I was trying to concentrate on my latest book experience. I am reading 'Rosemary's Baby' by Ira Levin. There was a man a couple of seats away on his cellular phone. You know how people tend to speak louder on their cell phones, right? Well, he was obnoxious. I kept re-reading my last paragraph and finally decided to close my book.
I listened to the stranger talking on his cell phone and wondered if I would hear anything profound. I'll close my eyes and be an eavesdropper.
He was telling someone about 'In The Rooms':
He described it as a FaceBook online social community for people 'in recovery' that has become increasingly popular. I thought this was helpful to know. If you know someone in recovery or in need of comprehensive healing for alcoholism, stress or whatever ails you it might be a good place to surf. I know a fabulous acupuncturist (Lauren Freiman) who must register her services via a profile presence there.
PHOTO: Lauren Freiman
The stranger went on and on...
"I don't like people who try to have an 'in' through any avenue they can find," he said.
"My cousins' boyfriend shows up from Albany, New York with a VIP pass," he explained as his example.
"How'd you get that? I asked him and he said 'I used your name'," the stranger said to his cell phone confidant.
At this point, it was time to board the plane. Hoorah!
Twenty-five years ago today:
Saturday, March 17, 1984
What a fun-filled St. Patrick's Day. It started as early as 3AM when Chris called me from Arcata. We talked on the telephone until 5:30AM! I confronted him with what I learned on his so-called telephone account.
"It wasn't working telephone service," Chris said.
He went on to try to explain his requirement to stay in the Arcata area to serve his time for ten months. He is in the US Coast Guard! I felt sorry for him because I know he just wants out of the service as soon as possible. It took him a while to share all of his feelings.
"I'm afraid I'll be jailed if I go AWOL," he said. I felt good that I knew that AWOL was 'Absent Without Leave'. How did I know that?
Chris went on to share secret facts from his past.
"When I was fifteen years old I was sexually abused by a member of my family," he confessed. That was a heavy one. I wasn't sure how to react. I only knew I cared for Chris deeply and that he was an A-1 friend.
I woke up at 8:30AM and went to H&R Block. I am getting a tax refund of about $80. By 10:05AM U was at Great Western Savings opening my Individual Retirement Account for 1983. This visit took another hour from my day.
By 11:05AM I was at The Bay Area Sperm Bank in North Oakland. I was slightly late but it didn't seem to matter. I have one last appointment on Wednesday. It will be my last donor sample. Then I will learn whether or not I am acceptable as an official donor. I will have a physical exam and then the process will begin (whatever that really means). I believe it's all about contracts and my willingness to reveal my identity when the child turns eighteen. I do want to respond 'Yes' on that. Shoot. I'm willing to meet the mother beforehand if she'd allow it. Why not?
I arrived home by 12:30PM and telephoned Debbie Honcik. We met at the foot of the Bay Farm Island Bridge where we headed on out for a fun-filled excursion to Lake Chabot in Castro Valley. It was great to spend time with Debbie again. We experienced such a rewarding bicycle ride, too. The hills were a challenge for her but she managed fine. I loved it.
"I can't believe how fast you got up those hills," Debbie managed to say as she was breathing hard.
Yes, 'Oh What A Feeling' (like that song). We hung out at the Lake Chabot park area. I had forgotten how much I love the serenity of that park. Maybe I will venture there on my own next Saturday.
When I arrived home at 5:30PM I called mom to beg for dinner. There was no chance of that. It was her day off and wasn't in the mood for preparing a big meal.
"Helen called," mom said.
I returned Helen's call and she was invited to a a dinner/surprise Birthday party at the Alameda South Shore Beach & Tennis Club. I couldn't resist the idea of going. The dinner was excellent. They served tortellini pasta, chicken, ham with pineapple, tossed salad, rice. The bike ride today really worked up my appetite.
While at the party I met a guy named Drew. He is the head of personnel at Blue Cross. The guy who invited Helen to this party is the head of personnel at Kaiser Hospital. Helen and I had a great time. We left by 10PM and went to The Black Angus in San Lorenzo where we danced. I was searching for Nadine (who was supposed to be there) but I never saw her.
I was home by 12:30PM. I called Nadine and we talked for a couple of hours. We had one of our usual great conversations. I told her I drove a black mustang. Why do women care about the type of car a man drives? We spoke of the regular phrases we use. We spoke of bicycling, rose tattoos, a future date, my resemblance to Donny Osmond on certain days and my favorite actors (Natalie Wood, Joan Rivers, Ann-Margret,Robert Redford, Mel Gibson). We continued on several topics. We talked about my highlighted blond hair streaks, Hard Rock n' Roll, Paloma, Dan (an ex-boyfriend with two kids), Leslie Fonseca and probably more.
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