Well, they don't lie about in your head indefinitely waiting to be let out. For a time they may stay there quite patiently, but then they shuffle off and fade until you can't locate them anymore, and you realize they're not coming back. By then you're past caring.
-Morag Joss
"Half-Broken Things"
PHOTO: Kiera Knightley,
Blu-Ray, "The Edge of Love"
as photographed from our new Ultra-Slim SAMSUNG TV screen
I am really beginning to LOVE it at www.BING.com
You simply go to the site and CLICK on SHOPPING and then CLICK on ‘Your cash back account’ to register for FREE. When you buy stuff by using BING as your 'starting point' you can only earn up to $2500 in savings every calendar year.
They make it so EASY, too. Check it out and be sure to compare prices and look for and "CLICK ON" the BING Cash back option. I know where I plan to be doing a lot of my holiday shopping this year.
I am a little late on the BING bandwagon myself. I just made my first two purchases:
1) a ‘personalized throw blanket’ gift purchase for a charming little girl and
2) a ‘nose and ear trimmer’ for myself.
What can I say? It’s terrible when one starts to grow hair in the nose and ears
…but ‘Thank God’ for good grooming.
Twenty-five years ago today:
September 10, 1984
Chris Cordellos and I found Paula’s house. Paula is Chris’ sister. She lives in Venice, CA and we went to visit her today. She was ecstatic and surprised to see Chris. We stayed with her for a few hours, conversing in her living room. It really smelled like “Stanley”, her dog. It was such a grotesque odor! How do people live this way? I was so happy to get some fresh ocean air afterwards.
During the day Chris and I ventured out to Santa Monica Beach to lie out and ‘catch some rays’. We sort of tried to catch up on much needed sleep (or tried to). There were a lot of kids on the beach because it was a holiday (Admission Day). It was pretty nice at the beach in Santa Monica despite the cloudy overcast moments.
After our ‘laying out’ long enough we went over to SUPERCUTS. We both got our respective haircuts and it cooled us off a bit.
We drove into West Hollywood and browsed at the International Male clothing store. We both drooled at things that were simply not affordable.
We stopped at SAFEWAY for refreshments and it was not long before our cranberry juice and Coca-Cola got very HOT. Too bad we didn’t have an ice-maker in the car. That just might be a useful invention.
We returned to Paula’s pad at about 5:30PM and met her ‘roommate’. She was what we described as an ‘old maid’ with dirty blond hair. She was very nice but so inquisitive. She wanted to know all about us.
'What do you do Chris?'
'And what do you do, Michael?'
It went on and on like that with all sorts of questions like where we grew up, how long did you live there, what next, etc.

Paula dressed up a bit and we accompanied her to visit a few of her ‘burn out’ friends. Then Chris and I escaped to Griffith Park to check out the Los Angeles views. I also played chauffeur into Hollywood. We ate Mexican Food near the Grumman’s Chinese Theater. It was very tourist-like walking around Hollywood Boulevard, so that was okay. We felt tired after a while and headed back to Paula’s.

We foolishly slept in Paula’s backyard that evening even though it was sprinkling (from a sprinkler on the other side of her fence). The lawn was wet. Suddenly all of these mosquitoes quietly appeared. It was murder (for me). Mosquitoes adore me. I had to get out of there and transported myself to my car for hopeful sleep. What a crazy vacation escape! Chris found the mosquitoes disruptive as well and slept in his sisters’ car after he realized my good idea. I actually went to Paula’s car later but could not stand the mosquitoes (or Stanley the dog fleas???) that were inside her car! I immediately left that scenario and returned to the back seat of my car. Oh what a night…I could easily change the words to that song...
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