-as heard while watching
the 1985 film
“Another Country”
I was amused by this 'Funny Acupuncture Commercial'. Watch it, please!
Don't let the funny video scare you. Acupuncture and alternative therapies are becoming more and more a beneficial 'way to go'.
READ about the benefits of acupuncture here:
Twenty-five years ago today:
September 21, 1984

This morning when the alarm rang I dreaded going to work. It was the knowledge of that one complicated T & F role play that I had to deal with. However, when I arrived at work I was finished by 9:30AM (before anyone else). I did forget a few things during the recorded role play. I will worry about it when they give my feedback on Monday.
I was hoping they would give me AX (Absent Without Pay) time but as it turned out none was given. We all played hangman all afternoon (Pat, Joe, Bobbie and I).
Bobbie wanted to go for a drink after work, so I ‘okayed’ the idea by joining her.
We had two ninety-nine cent Margaritas at Raggs. Then we went to Café St. Marcos for three Long Long Long Island Iced-Teas! We were buzzin’ when we left.
Bobbie wants me to join her and her friend from Chicago on Wednesday night for a real night on the town. I’m ‘all for it’. I could use a night on the town about then. Training will be just about over!
Bobbie and I had a great time last night at Café St. Marcos.
“I don’t miss much,” Bobbie said, “I don’t know about you Michael.”
She keeps saying that, too (‘I don’t know about you, Michael’).
We discovered that we are both pretty trustworthy. She’s a lot of fun and she loves observing people…as do I. My observing led me to notice others observing me at the Café St. Marcos on this very night. So it was a bit ‘uh-oh’.
And at lunchtime there was Barbara Reynolds and I going to the Security National Bank for a monthly BART ticket pass. Then we went on to the Galleria for a pizza and a browsing at the New Man (75% Off Sale). Bobbie wants to browse there with me next week. Barbara and I ate by the steps in front of the Foremost-McKesson Building. As we headed for Blum’s Sweets to browse a gentleman with jeans, plaid shirt and body excellence eyed me. I again felt a bit of an “uh oh”.
Bobbie shared with me that she was really saddened in 1979 by her brothers’ death.
“I even had to see a psychologist,” Bobbie said.
I expressed how glad I was to know that she had her niece (her brothers’ daughter) to spend time with from time to time.
Most of all, I want to be Bobbie's friend forever because she’s really special and she makes me laugh. I love the way she laughs. The sound of it tickles me. I hope she’s my ‘tub mate’ when we go into the actual Business Office.
“I’m only going to give the office a two month try and if it’s not to my liking I may not stay,” Bobbie announced.
This was a surprise for me to hear. She is so serious about wanting to concentrate on her own business. The idea of my own business (Michael J of New York) sounds more and more rewarding and worthwhile for me to think about, too. I want to do it but it’s the money. I need to go for it. I want to be my own little operation competing with Wilkes-Bashford and other specialty clothiers for men. It has to have that boutique shop edge with top-notch design. Time will tell.
Bobbie keeps hinting about our going into business together. She may be a ‘fly by night’ dreamer. I am into ‘clothes’. Her focus is something I am not really sure of at this time.
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