What matters is she got the hell away from him."
-as heard while watching
the 1984 film
"Against All Odds"
Monosodium glutamate is known to cause a long list of side effects and health problems. Here are some to be aware of:
Allergic reactions
Alzheimer’s disease
Asthma attacks
Burning, numbness, or tingling in or around your mouth
Brain damage
Chest pain
Damage to your unborn child
Death due to an MSG reaction
Eye inflammation
Free radical damage to your blood vessels (this can lead to a heart attack or a stroke)
Headaches (including migraine headaches)
Heart disease
Memory loss
Pressure or tightness in the muscles in your face
Fertility problems (for both men and women)
Rapid, fluttering heartbeats
Shortness of breath
Swelling of the brain (brain edema)
Type 2 diabetes
Weight gain (the weight you gain from eating MSG is very difficult to lose
MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a food enhancement that enhances flavors in food. It virtually has no flavor of its own, but neurologically causes people to experience a more intense flavor.
To millions of consumers, it means experiencing adverse effects from the additive and future health problems. To the food industry, it means increased profits. The MSG helps to replace the flavor lost by elimination of fat in many low-fat and non-fat foods.
The FDA requires that the ingredient monosodium glutamate be listed on the labels of foods in which it is used. If YOU don’t LOOK, you won’t know!
These ingredients ALWAYS contain MSG:
Monosodium glutamate
Calcium caseinate
Yeast food
Autolyzed yeast
These ingredients often contain MSG or create MSG during processing:
Flavors & Flavorings
Natural Pork Flavoring,
Soy sauce,
malt extract,
whey protein,
corn starch,
anything Protein fortified,
seasonings, natural flavors and flavorings,
natural beef flavoring,
natural chicken flavoring,
soy protein isolate,
soy protein stock,
malt flavoring,
barley malt,
citric acid
powdered milk
anything Enzyme modified
Anything ultra-pasteurized
Some unexpected sources of MSG include:
Salad dressing
Frozen meals
Packaged and restaurant soups
Reduced fat milk
Chewing gum
Ice Cream
Vitamin enriched foods
Supplements, particularly minerals
Tips to Help You Avoid MSG
Now that your eyes are opened to the many dangers of MSG, here are some practical tips to help you reduce or eliminate this food additive from your diet.
Avoid processed foods and stick to natural whole foods instead.
If you must eat anything that is prepackaged, read the label very carefully. Remember to watch out for hidden MSG – even when you are choosing healthier brands from the health food store. Some packaged organic foods may contain MSG (listed as yeast protein).
Avoid foods that are “ultra pasteurized” (as this process can cause free glutamates to form).
Avoid eating fast foods. Do your research and choose restaurants that offer healthier, MSG-free meals.
Make your own food from scratch using your own herbs and seasonings.
Twenty-five years ago today:
September 18, 1984
I got to work at 8AM and ‘Miss Peggy’ gave me my latest evaluation on my New Connects training. Surprisingly, she was very complimentary of my role plays and computer entries. Hurrah! That makes me feel good.
I received a message from Karen Jackson (of England) today. The message read:
‘I can’t make it for lunch but I will call you tonight.’
Little does she know that I do not intend on sitting by the telephone all night for her next call.
I had a quaint lunch with Barbara Reynolds at Natoma’s Café. The burgundy-cherry milkshake was soothing.
After work I got set and hit the road on my bicycle. It was a good long ride. Some fellow cyclist passed me up as he struggled with extra peddling on his part to ‘catch up with me’. I know I could have passed him up but I was slowing to the end of Shoreline Drive to turn around for my next repetition. Besides, I will wait until I buy my new road racing bike! This plan will be happening by the end of this year!
After riding until about 7:15PM I went to mom’s for a can of Sprite and a couple of tuna sandwiches. I stayed there until ‘John and Sherri’ (happy as they appeared to be) showed up with Ashley. John and Sherri were going to the A’s Game at the Coliseum.
I watched the ‘Romancing The Stone’ movie with mom. Then I came home to my new M Magazine (Men’s Fashion).
I received some pictures today. Some of the photos were from Renee Miller’s wedding. There was one “ugh” shot that Michael Miller took of me with my shirt off. I think I need lots of body conditioning improvement from the waist up. I am the fiercest as far as perfection. I am working on it. Then again, the grapes and Cool Whip I had tonight did not help matters.
I’d best watch myself though. However, the amount of ‘head turns’ I received while riding my bike must mean I don’t look half bad.
I received a phone call from mom at 10:20PM to go to the Coliseum to pick up Sherri! John (being as sensitive as he is) got mad at Sherri and left her there in the Coliseum parking lot. And so, I drove to the Coliseum and could not find her. I returned home and went to bed by 11PM.
Mom called a bit later to say that Sherri had seen me and ran after me…but was too late to get my attention. A police officer gave her a ride to the Shell Station on High Street where my mom ended up picking her up. Lucky me (I didn’t have to go out again). I have to work tomorrow!
At 4AM I thought a plane had crashed. The thunder and lightning was so overbearing and loud. It was quite the unusual awakening.
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