-as heard in the 2007
animated film
I am no Bruce Willis fan. I will be first in line to admit that; however, I saw a preview of his upcoming film, SURROGATES, and I am intrigued. The story follows human beings who are living in isolation. The futuristic world has humans communicating with their own likeness through robotic social surrogates who are better-looking versions of their human self.

Bruce Willis plays an FBI agent who enlists the aid of his own surrogate to investigate the murder of the genius college student who invented the surrogates. The plot is likely to get complicated but I am "into" futuristic "what if" stories. I thought I would give it honorable mention in my blog today. I am excited about seeing this one. I believe it will be released in late September 2009.

The story is based on a graphic novel by Robert Venditti. The paperbacks may be worth a browsing. Here is a peek at the trailer if you have not had the opportunity to see it:
Twenty-five years ago today:
June 30, 1984
I woke up at 8AM and washed my convertible Mustang and went to SEARS at Southland Mall in Hayward for my Traffic School. Frank was there and it all made for a pretty fun-filled day. Frank and I ate at Olga’s Kitchen for lunch. We were done with the course by 5PM. What bummed me out was that Frank forgot his $20 fee and I paid for him!
“I’ll pay you back on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday when my mom comes home from Reno,” Frank said.
“Yeah, sure,” I thought as I nodded to him, knowing I just lost twenty bucks.
“Shit! Like I can afford to throw money around,” I thought during the drive home.
I napped once I arrived home. I needed to sleep off stress. The nap was short and I ended up bicycling from 7:20PM until about 8:20PM. No one called me. I enjoyed more coffee ice-cream and turned in for bed by 9PM on this Saturday night.
Then my mom called to invite me over for a leftover taco from Mexicali-Rose on the condition that I bring Dad some coffee ice-cream. It sounded like “a deal” to me.
We started watching the movie ATLANTIC CITY together and I decided to leave midway through the film.

I thought Ashley’s doll was actually Ashley when I saw it on mom’s couch. Its name is Kelly Lou (after the doll in the Jane Fonda movie, THE DOLLMAKER).
I did not tell my mom that I was upset. Mom had told 'John and Sherri' about my passing on the 8 x 10 portrait at Montgomery Wards after seeing the line of kiddies in line. That was kind of an embarrassing episode (but the freebie coupon seemed so ideal to use versus toss out). I heard that 'John and Sherri' had laughed about it and that hurt my feelings. I kept my anger to myself. I don't know why she had to tell 'John & Sherri' about me going to the department store for the freebie portrait. I guess I can laugh it off now and let bygones be bygones because it is too silly a matter to be upset about (as are most tidbit arguments).
That sums up my Saturday night. Last night (Friday) I drove to the city and back for ‘nothing’. I’m on a roll of excitement here. I heard about this place (HENRY’s) on KITS radio at 8th and Townsend but it looked so ‘dead’. What a waste of time and gas.