It was a busy 'last day in New York Wednesday' with a meeting in Brooklyn followed by organizing and packing at home. I am now writing you from the INN AT THE ANASAZI, Suite #224 in Santa Fe, NM. I will be at the Pojoaque Pueblo tonight to see my two year old GodDaughter, Micaela, dance Native American-style for the very first time.
Alan and I had a pre-planned NYC dinner last night with our dear friend, Mimi, and her sister, Joanie, at the Lattanzi Ristorante Italiano. The fettucine al ragu was 'delicioso'. Mimi and Joanie were en route to see the Broadway play August: Osage County. Our intention was to eat and return home to finish packing and 'hit they hay' early.
After dinner we walked them to their theater when we took notice of the line of people walking into The Imperical Theater next door. Billy Elliot, The musical, was playing there and Jay Kuo told us it was a 'must see'. With our spontaneous nature we stood in line in hopes of a major 'what if' possibilty of getting seats. One woman actually offerred us free tickets but they were in the rear mezzanine. Lo and behold...with a bit of patience we were able to get third row center based on a recent cancellation. We really thought we would not see this one until the Springtime.
The 2000 feature film of Billy Elliot directed by Stephen Daldry (who also directed the stage production) was always a favorite film. If you have not seen it add it to your 'must see' list. I am now anxious to see Stephen Daldry's recently directed film called THE READER (I plan to read the book on the plane ride).
Kiril Kulish played the Billy Elliot part on-stage with style. I was so impressed to read that he is an accomplished pianist as well. What a talent! I posted the photo above by a Canadian photographer friend (Edith Kangas) because there was a scene on-stage when Billy pulled a rubiks cube out of his backpack. Ediths' son also seemed like a prospective Billy Elliot (though not sure he can do any ballet dance moves) in the photo. You may view more of Ediths' photography at:
There was a bit of dialogue during the show that remained with me. Billy's teacher with her snappy British accent said to Billy, "Dance is all about discovering yourself, isn't it?" It struck me as so true. The show got me in the mood to dance. Stephen Hanna of the NYC Ballet was stunning to see as the grown-up Billy Elliot. Ballet dancers really do have the 'best bodies'. I think it is time for me to pull out my NYC BALLET Stretch and Exercise DVD once I return to Los Angeles. It will whip anyone into shape after 6 weeks of doing this DVD. Of course, I hardly look like the ballet dancers but you feel the progess (within 24 hours) after one episode. Many of you know that more Americans gain more weight during the months of October, November and December, so this would make a nice stocking stuffer:
I loved it when Billy sang "Electricity" (take a peek).
The show won me over.
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