Cancers such as prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and cancers of the stomach, mouth, pharynx, and esophagus have all been proven to be staved off by high levels of Lycopene.
Tomatoes are loaded with all kinds of health benefits for the body. Tomatoes are by far the healthiest of the fruits and vegetables with the power to ward off some of the worst known diseases to man. Be sure to get your fair share!
This morning Alan clipped the Los Angeles times horoscope for me to read. For all of you GEMINI people:
'When you say the name of your loved one, do it only in a loving way.
The utterance of those words can cast a magic spell today, as your attention is all this person craves.'
Hmmm...I guess it was meant for Alan to hand me this one. Too funny.
Twenty-five years ago today:
December 16, 1983
Oakland, California
Work was fun once again but Salima was not at work today. It was Beth's last day as she accepted a new job transfer. Many people brought her going away gifts. She will be missed. She is happy (and sad). I am sure. I saw her cry today. It must be an emotional time.
After work I couldn't get into the mood of working out at the gym. I chose to go to San Francisco to check out the Rathskellum joint that QUAKE-FM99 radio keeps advertising for Friday nights. I foolishly arrived too early and it was a dead scene. I left and walked around the city until I found myself in a little museum near Jones Street that was showing some erotic video flick of a fat police officer undressing to reveal a young, blond stripper. It was really bad entertainment. I chose to move on and simply go home, chalking it up as a dud Friday night.
The line at Jack-In-The-Box was too long so I cancelled my craving for a vanilla milkshake. I showered and immediately fell asleep. When Bill called during the start of a dream I answered the phone groggily. I think he said he'd call back in the morning.
Oh yea! Sue asked if I would like to RD (Research and Develop) as assistant manager in the office today. I said, "Sure". I will be conducting our section meeting Monday too. This should be interesting.
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