Just before bedtime last night I happened to catch a glimpse of Suzanne Somers as a featured guest on LARRY KING LIVE. Suzanne was promoting her new book called WELLNESS. I was curious as to how obsessed she is with her health, practicing all of these nouveau techniques to live longer and be healthier. She even has a major website promoting all of her ideal products for living.
I was interested to hear that she has interviewed many respected doctors and that if you were to take only three vitamins she highly recommends:
1. Omega 3 FISH OIL gel capsules
2. Coenzyme Q-10: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coenzyme_Q10/
3. Anti-oxidant vitamins (Vitamin C or E)
It's clear to me she's had some facial lift/cosmetic help which I don't see as proper graceful aging. You can decide for yourself. I am not saying she is the authority on medicine but some of what she says does make sense. Per the LARRY KING interview and some online research I learned that her new book guides you through 8 Steps to Wellness. These are the steps:
1. BHRT-Hormone replacement treatments (costly treatment with scientific studies that suggest some serious side effects)
2. DETOXIFICATION (by resting organs through fasting; stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body; promoting elimination throught the intestines, kidneys and skin; improving circulation of one's blood; refueling your body with nutrients)
3. SERIOUS NUTRITION (eliminate products from your life: alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats; these all prevent your body's natural healing)
4. GI TRACT ATTENTION (the gastrointestinal tract is often overlooked and your digestion requires you to remember to chew everything thoroughly)
5. AVOID PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (only when absolutely necessary should you take pharmaceutical drugs as they contain toxins that speed the aging process)
6. WATCH YOUR DIET (regulate your intake of fat, sodium, sugar, cholesterol)
8. SLEEP (ideally 8 hours per night)
I beleive some of her steps are worth taking a look at. She is not one that I seriously thought to admire, but her recent interview impressed me based on her passion of what she has learned. I mean...we all know that diet, exercise and sleep are important to one's living healthy. It's the first five steps that are worthy of reexamination. It's your call...watch this video to hear her:
Twenty-five years ago
December 21, 1983
Work was fine today. I shared breakfast with Salima and made a date for next Thursday night with Helen Wong to see Alfred Hitchcock's NORTH BY NORTHWEST.
I called Nici Maurino and verified our date to see SILKWOOD.
Nici came over to my pad. I drove to Hayward, CA and we saw the new Meryl Streep, Cher film, SILKWOOD. It was good, but sad. After the movie Nici and I ended up arguing. She said that she has learned that people simply will NOT get involved to help another person out. I disagreed with her completely. I told her that it really depended on the situation. She got all riled up and it ruined our evening.
I chose not to enter the LYON'S RESTAURANT with her because she was walking in front of me.
"You can never be wrong, can you?" I shouted.
"No," she said in her serious bitchy tone.
She was being such a bitch that I walked back to my car. She attempted to smoke in my car. At that point I started the engine and headed home. As I was driving we barely said two words to one another. When I drove up to my garage she got out of the car and ran to over to her run-down Volkswagen. It was her loss, not mine.
She had the nerve to say that I didn't have manners because I told her to open her door (when I simply wanted to use the automatic switch to lock the door). I know damn well that I am the only guy she's ever dated with more polite manners than she's ever known. What a bitch!
Once I was inside I watched an episode of DYNASTY on tape.
Bill Helbush called and we talked about our days. He said he would have to greet his brother at the airport tomorrow. He suggested getting together for dinner or something--I think. He promised he'd call to arrange it. Now it's time for bed. My car needs a filling up of gas and my hair needs a good washing in the morning.
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