Yesterday, I received a phone call after lunch at the Auberge du Soleil resort in Napa Valley from my cousin, Lawrence Vigil. He was sharing the sad news about his mother passing away. His mother was Julia Vigil-Casillas, my Aunt (sister to my father). Julia was a vivacious and talkative soul. In her heyday she was said to be quite the beauty. She was a widow since 1995 when her last husband, Armando Casillas passed away. She always had a chihuahua in the house. She'd fatten it up...and when one chihuahua would die she'd replace it with another. As a young boy I would love visiting her home because she would always have a large glass jar filled with colorful Chiclets gum. She always knew how to make a child smile with candy, cookies or some such goodies. I had not stopped by to see her for several years but always sent her my annual Christmas Card. This morning I was thinking of my dear Aunt Julia (born June 19, 1920 in Ledoux, Mora County, New Mexico) and remembered this poem I wrote a month or so after my mother had passed away. I figured it was a good time to read it again.
What Matters In Life
Feeling the fresh wind swoosh across my face
Walking in a brisk, non-swift pace
Hearing birds chirp and wildly flutter
Touching textures smooth, soft as butter
Reading a story of hope, laughter or joy
Watching a child riding a scooter--his toy
Sensing the smell of baked goods with coffee
Listening to leaves rustle atop the oak tree
Seeing a foreign tourist in couture style
Speaking a new accent for a short while
Waking up each morning to see the sun shine
Sharing a humorous joke to see a face line
Remembering a moment with someone gone 'bye'
Running on the beach, squinting an eye
Musing to music for words to live by
Giving a gift that makes another cry
Living for happiness at every moment in time
Wining, dining and hearing bells chime
Feeling the kiss & embrace from your love
Realizing the simple beauty of a white dove.
I had forgotten about my period of writing poems. I should write more. For a while I was writing a WORD OF THE MONTH and creating a poem from that word. If you'd like to browse at some of my poems (from way back when)...I managed to post some of them here at this poetry website:
Twenty-five years ago
It is starting to sink in now (in my mind) about my being an uncle in mid-May 2004. Now that I have shared the news with a few friends and co-workers. In fact it is rather exciting and thrilling.
I discussed spending New Years Eve with Helen Wong, her sister, Geneva and her boyfriend, Derek, over a dinner and dancing plan. Where to do this is still in question.
I received word today (effective January 3, 1983) that I can pay monthly parking in Downtown Oakland for $35 at the usual parking lot I use daily. Good news! Hoorah!
I went to I. MAGNIN during my lunch hour and met Linda. She is a new management hire in the sportswear department. We bumped into one another in the mezzanine hallway due to an exchange in smiles. I gave her my card and she said she'd be working there. So...who knows where that might lead?
Helen invited me for dinner tonight. I drove over to her house and I decided to get my hair cut. We ate salad, chicken, macaroni and vanilla cream pie. It was a delicious homemade meal. We lounged a bit. It seems I tend to do a lot of lounging these days. I exercise too, so I believe it evens out in the long run. Helen and I decided on HORATIO'S in Berkeley, CA as the New Years Eve location. And then we may hit the Hilton for drinks and dancing. It should be fun.
I arrived home around 10:30pm. My brother, John, and his friend, Geoffrey Rookard, were watching my favorite "bike" movie, BREAKING AWAY.
I definitely need to get my bicycle 'flat tire' repaired!
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