feeling hot and restless,
running nervous fingers through his hair.
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path
Who coined that phrase ‘Life Changes On a Dime’? It really is a true point in thought.
On July 30, 2009 my cell phone rang at around 2:30PM and it was Bob Lewis. Who is Bob Lewis? Well, he is the father of my sister-in-law, Sherri Lewis-Armijo. When one gets a phone call from someone who does not call very often it is usually a cause for concern.
Bob called to inform me that Sherri (my sister-in-law) was in a four car pile-up accident on July 29, 2009. She was the only one to get hurt, breaking both of her forearms. She was in surgery from 6PM until 2AM.
The next morning (July 31, 2009) I updated my Face Book status to this:
Michael J Armijo is upset & sad after learning yesterday that my sis-in-law (Sherri) was in a 4-car pile-up accident. She was the only one hurt: broke both forearms & was in surgery from 6pm till 2am on Wednesday!!! ;(
I received an overwhelming response for her ‘getting well soon’.
That evening I received this heartwarming email from my niece, Holly Alyssa Armijo, who wrote:
PHOTO: Holly A Armijo,
April 2009
Hey Uncle Mike,
I’m not sure if you heard yet, but my mom got in a really bad car accident yesterday morning. It was a chain reaction and my mom was the 4th and last car.
There was nobody in the car with her but she was the only one that got hurt. She broke both of her arms from her elbow to her wrists (her forearms). She broke pretty much all the bones in her forearm and in more than one place. I’m not sure about the numbers but I know her right arm had about 6-8 breaks. Her left arm had about 4 breaks.
She was in surgery all last night because they are putting metal plates or whatever they are called in her arms. Depending on how she is feeling they may release her tonight...or hold her for a couple of days.
There is no permanent damage and she will be OK. She really is a strong woman and I know she can pull through this, even though she won’t be able to use her arms for a while and will need a lot of assistance.
Sorry to put a damper on your day. I love you very much.
PHOTO: Ilene R Kaplan,
January 2009
It is a reminder to us all that when things like this happen we must treasure our time here. We are so thankful that this accident was not fatal as so many can be. Shower the people you love with love.
Twenty-five years ago today:
August 10, 1984
I did my usual exercises in the morning (fifty arm curls, fifty push-ups, one-hundred and a half sit-ups and one-hundred jump ropes). It was not too exciting to know that Linda Nannizzi had called in sick. I would not be seeing her at the BART station. Oh well…
Training was a long, dull, trying day as we learned about Directory listings. Peggy (one of the instructors) keeps teasing me. I get even with her though. I think I am her ‘pet’ in class.

“You have nice legs,” Ron said.
I did not bother to say ‘most bikers do’.
Later that evening (and after a few drinks) Ryan grabbed my rear end while my back was turned. It was obvious that it was him.
Karyn was being her usually bubbly, friendly and ‘touchy’ self. I had finished about three Long-Island Iced-Teas.
Ryan and I went downstairs and I snorted a little coke (cocaine) from his key. This was very unlike me but I was feeling adventurous. Later, Ryan, Ron and Maurice went to Maurice’s mom’s car for some additional coke snorting (not me).
And then, even later that evening Ron and I went into some bathroom to snort another line. I thought it was really nice of ‘Ron and Ryan’ to want to share their lines of coke with me. I, especially, like Ron. We talked again about being Gemini’s, and the topics of love and lust. Ron complements so nicely, too.
“You’re good-looking,” Ron said.
He is being too nice. I have to be honest and truthful here. Everyone likes to hear nice things about oneself from someone new every once in a while.
PHOTO: Gemini image ceramics
I painted the brunette while my mother painted the blond during one rainy day in Alameda, California 'way back when'.
We all ended up dancing at Barnaby’s until about 11:30PM. We followed the wild atmosphere by going to a quiet bar.
The new destination was the downstairs lobby of the Hotel Miramar on Market Street (a tacky Hotel bar if you ask me).
Karyn, Tom Kidwell, ‘Ron and Ryan’ and I moved on to ‘Ron and Ryan’s’ apartment and we all spent the night there!
“If you get stood up I’ll leave with you to some other bars,” Ron told me.
I laughed and continued to think of him as very ‘cool’.
Karyn and I slept together on a very uncomfortable box spring. It was twenty-something amusement. It was cool. We woke up at 8AM. Ron had to go to work. Karyn drove me to the BART station. I drove Tom Kidwell home (he lives in Alameda, too). Tom said he went out with Renee Miller and knows Don Cotton (Suzy’s infatuation and ex-boyfriend), too. Tom said he had just attended Don’s wedding. It’s a small world after all.
I was just relieved that my car was untouched after being at the Fruitvale BART station parking lot all night.
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