-Diane Arbus
Influential 20th Century
American Photographer
b. March 14, 1923, d. July 26, 1971

What is it about the word “district”? In the English Dictionary it is defined as (noun) a region marked off for administrative or other purposes or (verb)to regulate housing in certain areas of towns.
Earlier this month I went out to see a film called District 9 that was produced by the renowned director, Peter Jackson and actually directed by Neill Blomkamp (who was born in South Africa).
The movie, DISTRICT 9, was a very imaginative science-fiction type film that was quite amazing to see. It leaves the viewer open to a sequel in three years. I give it FOUR stars. It is a cross between other films like Blackhawk Down, E.T., Hurt Locker and I-Robot in a mock documentary-drama style. I simply do not think I can ever eat another prawn again (after watching the story).
The DISTRICT 9 movie was actually inspired by historical events that took place in District Six, an inner-city residential area in Cape Town in South Africa under apartheid. In 1966, District 6 was declared a "whites only" area by the apartheid government and for the next several decades, 60,000 people were forcibly removed and relocated to Cape Flats. It only cost 30 million dollars to produce the film. Ouch! Yet, it made 37 million dollars on the opening weekend. Lucky!
I happened to notice a French film on my Netflix list about a week later called DISTRICT B13. I thought it might be a French version of the same story, so I wanted to watch it as soon as possible. This film was nothing like District 9 but it sure had all the elements of action and thrill rides. If you want to be on ‘the edge of your seat’ for one evening then watch DISTRICT B13. District 13 is the English language release title of the 2004 French action film, Banlieue 13, directed by Pierre Morel, and written and produced by Luc Besson. It was also released in North America as District B13.
The DISTRICT B13 movie centers on Paris in 2010 where social problems like violence, drugs and organized crime have overrun the poor suburb areas. The two lead characters Cyril Raffaelli (Captain Damien Tomaso) and David Belle (Leito) are so fit and exciting to watch.

Cyril plays the tough undercover police officer who believes in law and government while David Belle plays an acrobatic ghetto-dweller who fights the gangs and feels cheated by the system.
The sequel, District B13 Ultimatum, will reprise the roles with Cyril and David once again. The sequel has promised to be just as action-packed a film as the first. It was released in France in February 2009 and the DVD/Bluray was released in France last week (on August 19, 2009). I look forward to watching the sequel.
Both District 9 & B13 films are highly recommended by me if you would like to test your adventure ride endurance. You will definitely 'go where you've never been'. If you were strapped to a heart monitor while watching you would surely see your frequency changes go wild ‘every now and then’. It is a good way to lose a couple of pounds (just don’t have two Snickers bars or Reese's Butter Cups while you’re watching them).
Twenty-five years ago today:
August 27, 1984
I had a fair day at work.
Lunch was enjoyable with Barbara Reynolds and Joe at the Galleria ‘Chinese’ place. It was as delicious as it could be.
We did more stupid role play cases at work. I have to repeat one tomorrow morning. It has me bummed out. I shall comply. I just cannot wait until the damn ‘practice cases’ and training days come to a final end. I will be on vacation at that time.
After work I came home and I received my $3300 bill from VISA. Shit! Thank God I don’t use those credit cards anymore. I will catch up to my ‘discretionary income’ soon.
I went bicycling and my rear tire now has a low leak. As if my day had not been SHOT already! I went over to visit mom and we walked slowly around the hallways of the Alameda Hospital. Mom will be released tomorrow or Wednesday. Hurrah!
“John and Sherri are having problems,” mom said.
“Really, why,” I asked, “What happened?”
“John told Sherri to move out and it’s a sad story because Ashley is in the middle of it.”
“Well, only time will tell with that. You never know, so don’t worry about it.”
I was going to invite Sherri over for a trip to Nations Burgers but she wasn’t home. Instead, I drove to Nations alone. I enjoyed a cheeseburger, fries and shake.
I did not feel I had enough cycling in today. I need to have my bike tune-up and that low leak fixed. I think I will just exercise these forthcoming nights to QUAKE radio tunes versus the cycling. It is always good to tone up and stretch. It will be my new way for a change of pace.
Karyn Kossoff never called me to find out why I did not show up at Barnaby’s last Friday night. I am beginning to wonder why.
I always wonder why Chris Cordellos did not call. That’s nothing new. I told him if he did not call I would only assume he went to Sonoma. And so, I guess he hit ‘the boonies’ (the small hick town of Sonoma). I love to visit there but ‘to live’ is another story.
Now I want to sleep. I want to have a good dream about the damn role play I have to repeat tomorrow morning.
Speaking of outright anger (as mentioned yesterday) it is really frustrating because I know I want to do well. I believe they know I am doing well but they only want me to polish it up. Anything and everything in life could use some ‘polishing’ (especially after aging usage and built-up dust).
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