-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
I was taking a walk recently in and around the Venice Canals of Southern California when I came upon a beautiful home with a rose garden. I laughed when I read this sign that the rose garden owner had posted on four or five places:
I am a flower that has been nurtured with love by my owner.
Feel free to sniff my wonderful scents, but please do not touch me as I am delicate, and your touch may cause me to weep and fall apart.
If you pick me no one else will enjoy my beauty.
Please allow me to stay until my time is up and I move on to the mulch pile…
Thank You.
“The Blooming Buds”
…and this now brings to mind a wonderful song that I remember from my junior high school 7th & 8th grade days called ‘Garden Party’ by Ricky Nelson.
CLICK on the link here and
'reminisce with old friends':

Twenty-five years ago today:
August 5, 1984
At 9:20AM my telephone rang. It was Bruce. I had agreed to the hiking outing. I met him at 10:20AM and I drove to Hayward. We climbed a trail that was all new to me. I managed to pet a few horses that we saw along the way.
As we hiked Bruce and I talked about ‘girls’, his earring on his left hear (that I thought of as tacky), his mom, his brothers, the traffic scene, snobs, the Outer Limits, camping and zits (pimples that he definitely has a problem with). It was a worthwhile hike but I prefer cycling. Bruce is a very nice guy but a real geek.

We had a brief lunch at Wendy’s in Castro Valley. This was followed by my driving him home.
“I’ll call you later in the week,” Bruce said as he left for the day.
“Give me a break,” I thought silently.
By now it was 1PM and I still had some Sunday ‘play time’. I went to mom and dad’s and played with my niece, Ashley. Then I tried to take a nap there (and succeeded).
I went cycling from 4pm to 5pm and hung out at home, watching more of the Summer Olympics. I also ordered a $250 leather jacket from Spiegel Catalog along with a $94 turtleneck.
Karyn Kossoff telephoned and we talked for a good couple of hours. She reminsced about Central Park, living in the East Coast and the men that she has seen fondling their genitals in New York (?). We also talked about the excellent gymnasts competing in the Olympics and her birthday this coming Tuesday. We discussed celebrating with drinks after work on her Birthday, too.

I went over to visit mom again because she hasn’t been feeling too well. Last night she ate some chili that my dad’s half-sister, Julia Vigil-Casillas, made at cousin Cecelia’s and it did not agree with her. She was still feeling ‘out-of-it’. I ended up making myself a sandwich.
After a while I headed home and here I am...ready for bed, thinking of Chris and browsing through ‘The Spurs’ magazine.
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