-Nial Kent
aka William Leroy Thomas
'The Divided Path'
A February 2009 article written by Paul Marks in NEW SCIENTIST magazine talks about how robots have started to evolve.
Imagine having your very own robot to talk with by the fireplace someday? It does not seem too far-fetched to me.
Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Christopher MacLeod, and his colleagues at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, United Kingdom, have created a robot that adapts to such changes by mimicking biological evolution.
"If we want to make really complex humanoid robots with ever more sensors and more complex behaviours, it is critical that they are able to grow in complexity over time-just like biological creatures did," he says.
What would you name your "humanoid robot"?
Macleod is moving forward with his idea. A simulated robot that not only evolves its own way of moving, but also decides how many legs and sensors it needs to carry out a given task most effectively is on the way.
He is confident the technique will help to build more advanced robots. In particular, the software could make humanoid robots and prosthetic limbs more versatile.
"It can build layer-upon-layer of complexity to fulfil tasks in an open-ended way." Macleod says.
What next? Read the complete article here:
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 10, 1984
My 'tubmate', Judy Albert, a big black lady, wore the funniest looking wig today. I almost died laughing when I saw her. She is in the cubicle next to mine.
I called Tammy Duhr and we scheduled a date for this Saturday. The plan is for a movie and 'conversation catch up'.
I had lunch at FATS alone. My brother, Tony, and Helen are "a growing item". I guess they preferred having lunch as a twosome today.
I took a daytime snooze on my afternoon break. Ben Nunley, a co-worker, allowed me to read his newspaper. Michelle of the Residential Telephone Order Center spoke to me for a while. I always tease her, calling her Ms. High Fashion.
Chris Cordellos telephoned around 7PM. We talked until 8:30PM. He mentioned his accident.
"Yeah, I fell. I couldn't even stand up, so they gave me a week of rest," Chris sighed in relief. 'They' refers to the US Coast Guard, of course.
"You lucky sucker," I said.
He chuckled as we continued to chatter about the great time we had during my recent visit.
"Jim Severn has been coming by every day," Chris revealed, "I wrote him a note because I'm trying to get him off of my back."
I comforted Chris, complementing his "pizzaz" and "personality".
"I miss you," I said, stressing how much I appreciate our friendship.
We laughed and reminisced about April 1st and our walk along Clam Beach and 'our' twin twigs.
"I'll call you tomorrow," I said, closing our conversation.
I fell asleep not long after.
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