and I take good care of myself."
-Thich Nhat Hanh
"Being Peace"

The legendary Bob Hope attributed his longevity (he lived to be over 100) to his daily massage. If it was good enough for Bob Hope, it's good enough for you.
If you're like most folks who work in an office, you probably don't make the time or groom your budget to get a professional massage every day.
I certainly do not get a massage daily but I try to fit in one or two a month. One day I shall graduate to one-a-day. It reawakens my full body circulation and improves my posture.
Find a place near you that is reasonable. Massage therapists will make deals during these trying times. If you're in New York City I strongly recommend the Asia TuiNa Wholeness Center for a standard Tui-Na Bodywork massage:
37 East 28th Street, 8th Floor
(between Park Avenue & Madison Avenue)
New York, NY 10016
Tui-Na is a hands-on-body treatment using acupressure that is a modality of Chinese medicine whose purpose is to bring the body into balance. The principles being balanced are the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press and rub the areas between each of the joints (known as the eight gates) to open the body's defensive (wei) chi and get the energy moving in both the meridians and the muscles.
The practitioner can then use range of motion, traction, massage, with the stimulation of acupressure points and to treat both acute and chronic conditions.
Pretend Bob Hope just asked you, "Did you get your massage today?"
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 28, 1984
I thought about calling my Aunt Lillian and taking my cousins Shawn and Shonette to the zoo but I didn't. Instead I called Gray Wallace about that bike ride in the hills he had recommended. His roommate said he had gone to Los Angeles for the weekend; whereby, I went on my own independent ride to Lake Chabot in Castro Valley. It was one great therapeutic, relaxing ride.
PHOTO: Lake Chabot, Castro Valley

"Yeah, when I saw you from a distance I thought 'Mmmmm' who is that?" She continued. "And then when you said 'Hey Jill' I thought 'He knows me!"
I simply laughed off the complimentary remark.
It continued to be a great day and a wonderful bike ride except when my bike chain slipped as I shifted gears. I started the day early and arrived home by 12:30PM.
I accompanied mom to order a cake at the Boniere Bakery for Sherri's Baby Shower next Saturday. Then we went to the South Shore Shopping Center. Considering the 'admiring looks' I got I really don't think I should wear my red tank top and black shorts too often.
Before long I found myself doing another quick bike ride. I deposited my $784 Internal Revenue Service tax refund check. I signed checks to pay off some bills for my dentist, Dad and my American Express card.
Helen and Tony stopped by to wrap a wedding gift for Helen's sister, Geneva. It was good timing as mom, dad and I were leaving for dinner at the Mexicali Rose on Webster Street. We drank one big pitcher of margaritas between the three of us. We laughed and talked about the excitement of 'mom and dad' becoming grandparents.
I love when my mom drank two sips of margarita and said, "I'm feeling tipsy."
The combination dinner plates filled us up sufficiently.
PHOTO: John Edward Armijo, Kindergarten

I went to the Soloman Lane townhouse to visit Sherri later as she had more mail for me. I spoke with Sherri for a while. She enjoyed seeing the 'John E Armijo' baby photo I brought her.
When I returned home I ended up watching PAPILLON once again. This time I watched it with mom and dad, of course.
By 11:20PM I was in bed, dozing off. I was wondering about life in Arcata and Eureka.
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