"Old photographs...
that was where Michael got his passion
for clinging to people who were gone
and events that were past."
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
That is part of the 'wonder' of New York City. Yesterday, after the stock market closed at 4PM a walk was decidedly taken into SOHO. Alan and I found ourselves at a small gallery at 28 Wooster Street in SOHO. An artist from Kentucky (Theo Edmonds) was having an exhibit from 6pm to 10pm tonight. We were randomly invited by a kind French woman, so we told the her that we'd drop by later.
I took a Mixed Media Paintings catalog of Theo Edmonds' work. There was a brochure of his 'WORDS' that intrigued me. As I walked home I loved this story that he wrote about how 'rebels embrace mystery':
Mystery novels are consistently some of the best selling books. Why is this? I think that one reason we love mystery is because it is...mysterious. A mystery is not to be feared. A mystery has freedom unlike any other type of story. Mystery is magnificent.
We enjoy the journey through a mystery story because we fell confident that at the end of the story, when all is said and done, everything will be revealed. The mystery, however, is never revealed until we are at the end of the book.
Without knowing what tomorrow might hold, be confident that you can enter tomorrow like turning a page. Only when that page gets turned will you get closer to everything being resolved. Do not fear the mystery of your LIFE. Turn the page. Enter tomorrow. Follow the mystery of life knowing that everything will be okay in the end. And, the more pages you turn, the closer you will be to solving the mystery.

Later came and we attended the gallery happenings. The LIVE band was a bit too loud, but the artist, Theo Edmonds, shared a few words with us. He's definitely from Kentucky and now has an artist studio in the Harlem area. His mixed media works have interesting titles and seem to tell varied stories. They're like excerpts of his life.
Here is a link to the website of THEO EDMONDS:
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 24, 1984
This morning I couldn't take it anymore. I had to call Chris to get the latest "scoop". Barb answered the telephone (of course).
"Oh Hi Michael, Chris is at the base," she said as she took a sip of some unknown beverage, "he's on light duty."
Light duty meant that he is doing "nothing".
I did not have the chance to talk to Chris but it was nice to chat with Barb for a while. Her comfort level improved while speaking to me. She started by confirming receipt of the picture postcards I had sent. It thrilled her to no end.
"Yeah, Chris and I had a really big fight last Saturday, but now things are all squared away. I have to tell you how sorry I am about the way I snapped at you last Tuesday."
I was in awe at how sweet and apologetic she sounded.
"Well, tell Chris I called and that I hope his lower back feels better," I said in closing our conversation.
At 1pm today there was 'one hell of a jolt'. It was the first earthquake I had ever felt that shook me up. It must be the effects of being on the fourth floor of a Downtown Oakland building. I actually crawled underneath my desk.
The bad news of the day was the receipt of a letter from 'Bank of America' about my Auto Insurance. My car loan was not acceptable because my collision deductible is not $250 (it is $500). I wrote them a nasty letter. I may simply pay off my auto loan sooner than I had planned.

Michael Thoennes telephoned to share his good time experiences during his visit to Oregon.
He expressed the idea of an invitation to me.
"I may go to that nude beach I told you about in a couple of weekends. I'll invite you when I definitely decide to go, okay?" Michael asked nonchalantly.
"Yeah, let me know," I replied happily, knowing that he could not see me biting my nails over the idea.
I telephoned Gray Wallace tonight about the bike ride outing this Saturday. He was not at home.
Luckily, I was home at 8:15pm to remind my Dad that he has to be at his Traffic School from 7pm to 10pm tonight, Wednesday and Thursday. He had to get ready in a hurry, knowing he was going to be late on his first night. He can always say he drove slowly for fear of getting a speeding ticket. Maybe the "earthquake" really did shake every one up after all.
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