There is a great magazine that my Creative Director friend, Arlene Zapata, recommended called 'Fast Company'. She lives in the Chicago vicinity. The magazine is printed on 100% recycled paper. It keeps me abreast of new, up and coming companies that are breaking ground in innovative ways. It has a slant towards Internet-based technology companies. I just love it.
In the November 2008 issue there was an article about "Young Flakenstein". He considers himself the 'Darth Vader' of the Internets. I was quite interested in the technological prowess of this fellow. Gary Flake is his actual name. This web geek is hopeful in making MICROSOFT come alive again.
The CEO, Steve Ballmer, of MICROSOFT, has said that MICROSOFT's future lies in ad sales. Gary Flake, 41, is known to experiment with risk. (That reminds me of that classic Cole Porter song I love called "EXPERIMENT").
Gary Flake calls himself "Dr. Flakenstein" on his own blog.
With MICROSOFT's unparalleled reach (more than a billion computer users worldwide) Flake has foreseen collective power. The more people contribute data to a site, he says, the richer it becomes for each user. MICROSOFT has an advantage.
I feel the same way about Flake's belief after reading the 'FAST COMPANY' magazine article. He believes the Internet is becoming a mirror of the physical world.
Flake is a bit of a mad scientist. He spent three years writing a computer science textbook (The Computational Beauty of Nature). I just might pick up a copy of that one! The book supposedly explores the work of thinkers like Sir Isaac Newton and the 5th Century Greek philosopher, Zeno. The text touches on how neurons process information in the brain and the behavior of ants.
Personally, I bought a giant hardcover book on the behavior of ants about ten years ago. I have thumbed through it but have never read it. I felt a sort of connection with Flake after I learned of his research on ants. Too funny.
I am curious to see if this "Flake" will create the new ideal 'Bride of Flakenstein' after his recent Microsoft Live Labs innovation of PHOTOSYNTH.
We seem to have more and more web wizards lurking in the mist.
Stay tuned...
Twenty-five years ago today
December 31, 1983
It was an early start morning. I was immediately cruising in my car with my bicycle to Suzy Miller's apartment on Shoreline Drive. She was still in her bathrobe and ready to take a shower. So I didn't stay long and we didn't talk very much. I took the bike to JOE's BIKE SHOP for the flat tire repair. Gray wasn't working (the fellow I spoke to over the telephone). There was another guy there who was pretty friendly. I instructed him to fix both flat tires.
I drove to my Mom's house and had a quick breakfast. I was hanging out until my folks dropped me off at South Shore Shopping Center. My folks had accepted a New Years Eve party invitation at my moms' sisters' house (Aunt Lillian) in Castro Valley. I walked to JOE's BIKE SHOP and was riding my bicycle by one o'clock. I rode non-stop until four o'clock that afternoon. I stopped for a quick lunch with Sherri (my future sister-in-law) at Orange Julius. We had a nice chat.
I won twenty-dollars on the 49er-Detroit Lion football game. That was a pleasant surprise. The bike ride for the day was A-1, too.
Helen called and told me that her sister, Geneva, and her boyfriend, Derek, would not be joining us tonight. Geneva was sick. Such is life. Helen and I went on our own. We ate forty-five dollars worth at Horatio's. It was a great dinner. We remained at the Hilton until 12:45-1am or so. It wasn't QUAKE-FM 99 radio night but we had a good time dancing anyway. It was fun talking about whatever and whoever.
My resolutions for the 1984 year are:
1. No more credit card usage
2. See fifty-two flicks/movies
3. Exercise regularly
4. Look into the modeling scene and get a portfolio worked out
5. Take an Art class and expand on my interest in the Art world
6. Keep a careful watch on permiscuous gentleman (and "NOT" deal with them).